Following on from the mixed response to my post regarding an ally bunkering building, I have an idea for an alternative: The Mithryl Factory: A Low Land building that produces perishable mithryl. This Mithryl should only be usable for casting spells. The mith from different buildings would regenerate all at the same time, say in line with the time the speakers regenerate. This should not be included in the 6 mithryl purchase limit, purchaseable with gold. Level 1: 1 mithryl that expires after 24 hours. Produced at a rate of 1 mithryl per 24 hours. Level 2: 1 mithryl that expires after 12 hours. Except this produces mithryl twice a day. Level 3: 1 mithryl that expires after 6 hours. Except this produces mithryl four times a day. In addition, it would be nice to have another ally hiding spell, costing 24 or 25 mithryl that has a longer duration, and sends an alert/notification when it has 1 hour to go. Benefits Big players can feel safer for longer, even with periods of lower activity. (Would need l2 factories, if refreshing sooner than once a day). Small players can mith up earlier and easier so can handle larger eb's earlier. (Would only need one l3 factory to stay in battle fury all day) World Chat would become a more colourful place. (More spells and colours would also be welcomed in my opinion) I'm hoping this is a better idea than a bunker, but please leave support or not. Or better yet suggest improvements.
Are you trying to make big people in strippable? Is it not bad enough that to even hit redstar for half of kaw he would have to have like 20t stripped first? I mean, c'mon man, stripping is half the fun in the game, it's boring if you don't take a risk
No support, there will be someone that just has 24 mithril stores at max level that would just have any spell they wanted till there heart's content. Additionally, mithril is supposed to be war currency, what u suggest can be directly linked to ebs since ebs are primary income which then links to how you buy these buildings. Only logical thing i could add to this to make it better would be that theres a separate knew group of lands called the "mithril mines" Which can only be explored for a very hefty sum of gold, and the only building would be these mithril factories you talk about. However they can only be built from a very high sum of mithril-> maybe something like 500 lv1 1000 lv2 2000 lv3 4000 lv4 Even at that, i dont really support. Means that only those that have endless supplies of mith and gold could get them.
No support, in fact I support the destruction of this thread using fire. You see, mithril is a war currency, simple as that. There is no other, not WILL there be any other way to acquire it. So that part is literally impossible. Second, ally hiding spells are already good enough. Where's the risk otherwise? Third, lol. No colour spells, they aren't needed. Unless I read that wrong.
Thank you for your feedback. I've thought about it and I agree with all the reply posts (apart from the core dying bit). The mithril system is already complicated enough. All I was trying to achieve was to allow big players to be able to go on holiday without returning to a decimated kingdom. Sorry for my mis-spelling, Please see my post for a bunker building and don't post here. Lock this thread please.
They can go on holiday, just take their phones with them. The game has been going on over 4 years, I'm pretty sure they figured out a way to have a holiday. Nice effort, but it's just not doable or needed