1)In quests you have to complete a series of them before you are allowed to do more. Well what I am proposing is that quest be bundled into sections. So all the same type would be in one for eg the one with the balloon image or that frost one. Why don't they going into sections a but like ebs. So once you complete the whole section you will get a set reward either Health Crystals, Nobility, Gold, Aqua/Inferno or Mithril. Obviously the first quest sections would give gold but as you go higher up you get better and better rewards. 2)Quest should also pay out quite a bit more. And could have phases to the quests like EB so you could use an item but you get a certain success rate like with attacking so you will want to attack with full troops (if using an attack item) or full spies (when using a spy attack item. This will encourage a LOT more people to do quests. Quest should have a time limit and if you complete it in the time limit you will receive an end bonus. They are kind of seperate ideas but both will improve quests. Tell Me What You Think. Whether you like one idea, both or none
Then it will run like ebs, but you do it by urself eh? It could, but what about student players who dont want their phones out in class?? 50-50
No support. people do quest for the nobs/crystal not really for the gold. You can always do eb tobearn gold.
I disagree quests are a way for nob and xtals not gold. Already the quests are in sections and spy quests have been suggested but devs said it wouldn't happen.
Ok, now op, the comma mark (,) is your best friend. Use it once in a while. And nah. Quests are fine. Gold comes from epic battles/farming, and nobs/xstals come from quests. Let's not get that out if whack