lol we able do 2 SS / day if top clans need 2 months to upgrade equip with 4 SS / day .... then imagine how many we need .... btw we close to 100 clan LB; new epic is designed for V.I.Ps .....
I think we need gift feature likes in pimd, so all player could trade the scroll they not needed to other scroll they needed with other player, so we will not frustated to collect this scroll...
Why would you need more then 1 scroll to upgrade. Is the mage incompetent? It should be that you need one scroll each time you upgrade. Then you would have ppl right now that would be able to do the next eb.
Increasing the drop rate for scrolls is great for a handful of top LB clans however isn't of help to anyone else. I think SS equip should be able to be enchanted using Inferno/Aqua and possibly the EB should drop those as well. A further thing that could be done is maybe to up the pay of this EB and drop attack pots. Or a totally different option would be just to totally phase out the requirement of enchanted equip from SS for The Summoner. It is already difficult as it is for most clans to complete the new EB.
I think the devs are playing an early April Fool's joke on us.... scrolls are still not dropping enough!
Been doing SS I haven't got any scrolls neither has some of my clan mates I don't know how many drop but I haven't seen a increase.
The drop rates have increased,our clan is getting 10%-20% drop rate of actives.Since the increase we have had 3 members enchant a relic,i have gotten 3 in the last 20hrs.If the KAW Admins any further they might as well just give the relics away enchanted.I found the tgl bow harder to get than the relic scrolls,besides which trying for the scrolls give good god payout for growth
Increasing something from zero occurrences like it was previously, is an increase........increasing it to randomly each leap year as you have done is honestly not worth it.
Hi kaw admin, Can you please explain why people are getting scroll drops for a piece of equip even after they have unlocked that piece for enchantment. It's a little bit annoying. Can we fix it please? Thanks
I'm going to loan my account to some dude in China to play 24/7 hopefully when I come back in a few years I'll be close to having enough scrolls....
Thank you devs, I have done 20 ss on this account and 15 on my alt and got 1 scroll. Your increases are awesome. Love you mean it
LOL...increased from 0 to rare. Just fin 1, top 34 ppl -0 & 3 total. After about 20 ebs, I still don't have even 1...
While there has been an increase in the scroll drop rates from 1 to 2 per eb to now of 7 to 9 per eb , i agree with earlier posts. The Summoner will be an eb for the elite clans of kaw, only obtainable to some. If this was the goal of the developers then they have succeeded. Let the SS grind continue. P.S. If your reading devs, any tricks to help gain a drop of a scroll?
Update...Increased drops? We just fin 1 w/75 active. 2 whole single drops. What's even worse is #72 w/25 actions & #64 w/69 actions received! SO much for dedication...