We've just increased the drop rate of scrolls to help everyone obtain the equipment required to participate in The Summoner our new Epic Battle in the Scrag the Bloodless series. This change applies to all scrolls and should quickly make The Summoner available to many more clans over the next few days.
Yesterday in the Scrag thread it was mentioned that the scroll drop rate was increased. My question: was the drop rate increased AGAIN? Or is this just a reminder that it was increased yesterday?
Thank you devs, but I have one question. Will this apply to all ebs going on at this point or all ebs started past this point?
Thanks for the increase,went from a trickle to a river and now a raging flood 28 drops in our last SS including a drop of triple scrolls a little overboard but a terrific gesture.
You release an EB that less than 1% of the community can hit and increase the drop rate after the event, classic KC absolutely classic. I'm rating the game 1 on iTunes, get your act together.
So originally it was at 0.0000000000000005% chance of dropping a scroll and ya moved it to 0.000005% chance of dropping a scroll earlier has it gone up a moderate amount? say to at least 0.05% chance of dropping??
I done 6x SS and finally got a dropped of 1 scroll for helmet, it almost takes me a whole day lmao Devs put a separate thread cuz the original thread get flooded of complaints lmao Devs can you guys makes other solution for us to acquire the scrolls we need for the relic enchantment? Like open it for trading to aqua or inferno in exchange for the scrolls we need? I can trade up 5 aqua or inferno for 1 scroll than to waste my time hunting for the scrolls.