Hey guys, MattMan here with a little idea I think might help bring more PVP back to KaW What if you could get mithril when you hit people? Yes! When you hit people, you would get mithril! BUT, obviously it wouldn't be a stupid amount, like 5 mithril per attack. Even 1 mithril per attack is a little too much. So let's talk numbers. Maybe, every time you attacked someone, you would have a 10% chance of getting 1 mithril. So I hope you could figure this out on your own, but that means if you hit someone 10 times, you usually will get 1 mithril from one of those attacks. Sounds fair to me (devs could change these numbers of course). So here is a little pro-con list I've put together. Pro's -Would increase rate of PVP -People that did PVP would get rewards for it -Would just make the game more fun overall I think! But... There are a few con's that I thought of also Con's -Alt Farming, some people would just farm alt's for mith -Could make EE wars less popular Thank you all for taking the time to read this idea I thought of. If this idea has been suggested before, my apologies. But, I think this would benefit KaW for the better, peace out!️ No BB fails! No BB fails! Please xD
Support! Great thread! I would enjoy it and most of us would too. It would definitely bring PvP back!
10% chance could easily go 0-100 attacks and never get a single mith. I personally would still stick to ee for mith. Guaranteed payout if ya win if ya lose you're not terribly worse for wear. That aside support for PvP community.
Mith could have a drop rate similar to nobility points for quests... That would be good.. Also need to figure out how to avoid osf farming for mith
What about every time you get a successful attack or steal you get some sort of token or whatever similar you fangs and moths and over time you build up and exchange for mith - or hold a event like those except reward will be mith but through pvp actions only (battle list)
This is such a good idea - it's a shame that devs will probly not do this. Although this would encourage so much farming...
That would also be pretty good CrazyTiger Just any way the devs could give some sort of mithril reward for PVP, a special event or tokens, all great suggestions.