Cyberio Magic comes from the mists of the cave, from the beast known as 'Cyberio'. When killed, he lets off a magic. A magic quite unpleasent ti the senses. Cyberio Magic! It wares off enemy's and lets off a warning to your enemy's ~~skill idea credit: spAdeACE
Okay the DMG rate is 47-68 in EB's and DFC rate is 50-65 in both EB's & PVP. What it does is, the Cyberio Magic is accually a skill that wares off enemeys and it can kill enemys by going into the enemys organs and causes mutations (a deadly one) So he/she dies
I must say I'm confused as well, is it a mithril spell or gained by hitting players or eb drop or what? And it does what exactly? I don't really understand what you are trying to say :s
Everyone is confused because Its not that kind of game.... It doesnt have skills or abilities in the sense that he means. We have 'spells' wich are just stat boosts, not an action