as we now know dear kawers the devs were busy making a new game so its safe to say that they didnt work so much on ee matches and other kaw bugs because of that but as they have already finished it i think now they should repair the kaw bugs. Support= a thank you and a sorry for the moans about ee and also support= devs please start work on repairing kaw
Support, they should read feedback rather than giving us automated feedback responses. But considering they only want feedback in 140 characters or less its hard to get your point across
Email ideas and feedback in a constructive manner to And for the auto response. Yes some is auto response. Replying to hundreds or thousands of unique emails would be extremely time consuming. However from personal experience even when I am in disagreement with ata they always respond point by point to emails addressing any concerns. Obviously I'm just another player and they may not agree with me. But make the email polite with valid points and I find they always take the time to reply. Remember they are people and treat them and talk to them as you wish to be spoken to and they will respond in kind. The more constructive feedback they get the better for the future of kaw. They can't implement all the changes we want nor can they stop clans stacking rosters yet. But voice your concerns and change may happen. As long as we are playing the game and supporting their company I doubt they will abandon kaw. At least I certainly hope not for the kawmunities sake.
If we miss something, feel free to email it to support to let them handle it, as we also have lives to live(believe it or not :?)
feel free to wall me or pm, or email support if you see anything. Mods can only catch so much, real life does have a tendency to take up KAW time. Except me of course I never sleep I will agree the devs are amazing people, they designed a game that has had people playing for years. Sure the system isn't perfect, but really no game is. Please be patient as the devs are working on making the game more enjoyable for all parties involved. Have a wonderful day everyone
I have no issue with the mods personally there are times that are modless but meh. If you tell your boss ill get that major project done soon but steadily push out other major projects usually slapped together or incomplete. How long would you be employed? Most places would fire people for it fairly quick. Instead of finishing all their open half finished fixes and features they make another game instead then come back and implement something new VERY few people will be able to enjoy for a while yet instead of working on things a majority of players have issues with.. makes no sense to me.
although this is a lovely thread, I feel the need to correct you. Smash has had zero impact on fixing KaW bugs or release times for new updates. The smash team is an entirely different entity from the KaW team. They do not compete. At the end of the day, there comes a time when more people on one app isn't useful. Example: if there is a coding glitch, 20 people trying to fix it at once is not 4 faster than a smaller team of 5 developers working on the same problem. more is not always better, and ata did nit drag developers from kaw to work on smash. instead, they hired new developers. if you check out ata's website, you can see when and where they are hiring, and even apply, if you wish But at the end of the day, smash has not diminished KaW resources in the slightest. Sorry for my wordy explimarion.
It's already been touched on in this thread and mentioned in a few other threads, but the S.M.A.S.H. development team is entirely separate from the KaW developers. The creation of S.M.A.S.H. did not detract from the work our developers have been doing with KaW, and we're still working towards our roadmap of updates we've shared.
KAW! KAW! KAW! PICK ME! Huge hello, I like your stuff. So... Ummmm. I have a question. Has the drop rate of seals ACTUALLY been increased from 0.01 on a 9 hour EB?