✪ - KaW ArenA - ✪

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Lady_Liz, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Hi devs! Thought I'd loan you an extra pair of  so you can see what a meaningful and well thought out idea looks like.


    If you need some help implementing this idea let me know. I'm pretty sure I can find some monkeys  who are better than your teams at coding and programming.
  2. Wooohoooo - sign me up already!!

    At last a sensible thought through idea that seems to have resolved a lot of what is wrong with EE wars!

    Why don't the devs make a focus group of keen avid players of different stats and sizes ( including Lady_Liz) and brain storm these ideas, and see them grow into reality? Players will enjoy the game more, and devs will make more money - surely a win-win scenario?
  3. Reminds me of Pokemon.
  4. The idea of smaller more frequent matches is a great one. Eliminating the long wait and issues with setting up a war in the current EE system would be a vast improvement.

    The one flaw, as I see it, is you attempt to match teams based on "strength", but the match will be decided by plunder pay-out. This is like matching based on speed when the match will be decided by who can jump the highest.

    Match opponents first based on how much plunder they can earn, and second on strength. Or better yet, make things simple in the arena - plunder earned and given is proportional to "strength" - however that is determined. Then the matching and the winning would be based on the same thing.
  5. SUPPORT!! Great Thinking!
  6. I like this..full support
  7. Support. I agree with the post a few above mine about the matching, but i don't see a solution myself. I hope this gets implemented.
  8. support! ...

    Limited time online lately (so i hope not repeating), but i would add:
    1. utilize and auto program to assemble teams randomly yet near perfectly matched (4 vs 4 would be good i think),
    2. put a cap on bfa to limit advantage of huge kingdoms (for example, set max limits on each bfa to 500/500, 200/200m; such that ally rank 1 would have no advantage over rank50 or so),
    3. set a team size based on cs equivalent (factoring in stats @ 50% troops, bfe, and bfa), and
    4. consider putting warriors into 2 or 3 baskets (say bigs-mids-smalls by size) to improve warability of every kingdom

  9. ... some added ideas to compliment ...

    1. charge 1 xtal to enter arena (this also gives u 2x 50% 'fast revive' buttons -always on your screen until used),
    2. allow tagging of one friend u want to war with (min half of team are random adds)
    3. arena opens 15m before war, matchup 5m b4 war, all in matched teams are regened full
  10. Support!

    Carni are you sure you don't work in some super secret office with no windows in some bunker somewhere? 
  11. love those ideas Carni
  12. Sup..............port
  13. Support without a doubt.

    KAW areana need not replace regular EE but the areana with a small roster that is automatically grouped by the system by selecting the individual or pair would ensure a better match.

    the biggest issue about current match is not about stacking but because the dtw/dts range is too wide thereby allowing super-GH to meet the hit ratio restriction and exploit the system.
  14. Total support
  15. Would this get rid of 3v3?
  16. Would this get rid of EE?*********
  17. ???????