Hmm. The 1v1 sounds just like pvp. But I like the concept! If you could allow teams to reserve a spot days or weeks in advance, I think the turn out could be bigger. One other thing, though. Stupid hansels (only the ones whining about how att builds get everything even though they do better in ee AND eb) are gonna dominate this too unless there's some sort of restriction or requirement. For this I was thinking something along the lines of requiring whatever the hansel has in spy stats (let's say 10m cs hansel) is required in att stats (requiring 10m cs in att from both the hansel build and att build). Of course they can't be perfect so maybe allow a margin of 1-2m to accommodate teams.
I'd just love to know if this idea is even possible in kaw would be nice if devs could answer that question.
It's not possible.. They can't even figure out their own EE wars.. Once they figure that out then maybe they can take on something much more complicated such as this idea.. It wilt be cool though
Took me a couple of days to get time to edit. I wanted to see how far this ran, and its still here. Good. I have played a few games, that have an arena, and I think this is possible. I am no programmer, so I don't know the difficulty, but I believe most of the basic idea has been done in the past. The best outcome from this I see, is a varied team, allowing mids and bigs, in the same arena as smalls. I also believe it will encourage more growth instead of having lcbc kingdoms drop build to war as a SH because their kingdom cant compete with the LB-SH team combos, when facing a LB stacked clan roster. If something like this were implemented, it would bring my faith back to the development team, might not be as complex as op suggest, but any variation of it will be a welcome change in my honest opinion. All that said, I support this idea, or some variation of it. Good idea OP!
This just might just save Kaw from loosing players especially after the complete fiasco of the current poor season of EE wars. Sounds an intreging and exciting idea Liz....let's hope the devs take the time to read this and then invest some time on the great idea! Full support.