✪ - KaW ArenA - ✪

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Lady_Liz, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Since I'm 'no matching' more than warring this season, I have some time on my hands so here is an idea I've had for some time, based on the current EE wars. If this has already suggested then apologies for that.

    ------KaW ArenA------

    It might be a nice feature to have a KaW ArenA which you can enter through the marketplace, a fourth red button next to the Mage.

    The ArenA is basically a controlled 3vs3 pvp environment (the number of teammates can be different, see below under 'Variations').

    You enter with your team by entering the ArenA and inserting your teammates exact kawnames, while they do the same with your kawname upon entering.

    Entering can be done during the entire day and matches are made every other hour (i.e. at 2am, 4am, 6am etc). You can only enter the ArenA with full troops and spies.


    Let's say, team A consisting of 3 players enters the ArenA. The only restriction is that the team mates need to be within each other's hit range.

    Their combined total stats will be counted to determine their Total Team Strength.

    First cs, that's simple for instance 10M plus 12M plus 20M equals 42M. BFA and BFE are then converted to cs, but because these bonuses are static the stats need to be weighed more heavily.

    BFE is converted to cs but with a 1.2 multiplier, because BFE is capped and it is relatively simple to get the basic eb equip.

    BFA is converted to cs but with a 1.5 multiplier, because there is no maximum to BFA (uncapped) and for smaller kingdoms that are not HFBC it takes years to get a somewhat decent BFA.

    This gives a Total Team Strength of 65M (for example).

    This way, the Total Team Strength is known. KaW calculates the TTS of each team that has entered the ArenA for that round. Every other hour, KaW matches up the teams that entered and the round can commence.

    Matches are made based on strength (1 vs 2, 3 vs 4) with three rules:
    1. the strongest team to sign up gets a no match - to prevent extreme stacking;
    2. the maximum difference between teams can only be 10% - to ensure even matches;
    3. and all players need to be in each others hit range - 3vs3 with 1 player being dtw doesn't work and is no fun for anyone participating.

    The teams receive their matchup message and anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes later the match starts. If there is no team within 10% of your TTS, your team receives a no match.

    Match clan structure

    Now, the somewhat tricky part: KaW needs to create a lot of 'Match clans' where the teams can be transported to as soon as they are matched. I think transporting players to clans has been done for one of the early ASW's but Im not too sure about that. Maybe out of programming issues, these matches will need to be restricted to 50 teams at one time at the most, resulting in max 25 matches at one time. These numbers can be adjusted ofcourse if 50 is not enough/too much.

    The players will be admin in the Match clan but not owner and entering/leaving the Match clan is not possible. 5 minutes after the Matches end, the players are automatically kicked from the clan which remains dormant until the next round.


    There are 3 sort of matches (same as in EE) but players don't know in advance with type they will receive:
    1. Fixed ko time of 5 minutes;
    2. Random ko times between 4-6 minutes;
    3. Advantage ko times between 4-6 minutes.

    An important feature would be that the regen time is halved during these matches to keep it interesting and fast. So regening only takes 2.5 minutes instead of 5 minutes.

    The actual match is simple, short and fast-paced:
    * each wars lasts 30 minutes;
    * you can ko someone for plunder bonus;
    * the winner is the team with the most plunder at the end;
    * FF is possible after 15 minutes - this of course results in a loss;
    * there is no xstal usage allowed;
    (* no spy attack pots can be used when scouting - an option to be experimented with, to accomodate hansels in these short wars).


    The rewards need to be substantial to make people wanna spend 1 hour in a Match (matchmaking and warring) instead of eb-ing.

    Give the winners 1 level of EE, random drops of aqua, inferno, banner pieces, scrolls, SoD's and a gold bonus comparable to HTE. Give the losing team random drops of aqua, inferno, banner pieces and a gold bonus comparable to normal haunt.

    Optional: The winners collect Match points for each war won. No points are deducted upon a lost Match. On a separate Match Leader Board the top scores will be visible.

    Optional: The Match points can be traded for inferno, aqua, scrolls, banner drops and maybe even Match equip.


    There are many variations possible. Maybe have teams of 2 or 4 people sign up, have people sign up alone and match them randomly with someone else, have the matches every hour (1am, 2am, 3am, etcetera), make them 1 hour long, enable the use of 1 xstal, have teams sign up for a certain type of war (fixed ko, random or advantage), don't allow the FF feature, etcetera. This could all be beta tested and changed in time. The multipliers for BFE and BFA are also sort of randomly chosen, there is all sorts of variation possible there to ensure even matches.

    An ArenA environment like this would accomodate all timezones, requires much less organizing for war admins, gives everyone a chance to war when it suits them and can be adapted to a different format easily. It would maintain the current clan structure because the clan wouldn't get 'locked' during war and there would be no mercing. It could of course exist next to the current EE system, but that needs a major overhaul if it is to be succesful again. Some of the suggestions here could be used in normal EE aswell, but that's a different subject.

    Yes I know this is a lot to read and there are probably quite a few issues that need solving or that are difficult or even impossible from a programmer's point of view. So just putting the idea out there  input and suggestions are welcome.

    First thread so forgive the lack of bb codes n pics n stuff
  2. This idea reminds of a game I used to play but support
  4. Amazing idea that would be so much better than EE. Support
  5. Full support
  6. Supportonly coz its lizzys post
  7. Total support great idea I love it!
  8. I like the idea. Taking out crystals will mean that lots more non paying players will be able to participate without much cost which will ne a big bonus.

    Very nicely put together.
  9. Support. But.. it takes the devs around half a year to change one single factor in the programming structure.. I'm no programming expert, but to actually implement this arena, I'm at least 3% sure it would take the devs somewhere around 10-50 years
  10. Lasmain, you must be new.

    Kaw originally didn't even have clans. Or epics or equipment.

    So by your logic, Kaw is 150 years old.
  11. Thanks and yeah I'm not a programmer so not sure what is possible and what not. But a lot of the programming structure (?) should already be there because it is quite heavily leaning on the EE war structure.

    I'd love to hear what tweaks and changes you all would propose, or the flaws this idea has
  12. Only ha to read first half to know full SUPPORTGREAT JOB LIZ
  13. A variation of 1v1 through 5v5 would be cool.
  14. Maybe even a crystal toggle button,

    Even a knew sub forum called the arena, the community could come up with days of the week for each thing,

    Mondays 1v1
    Tuesday 2v2
    Wednesday 3v3
    Thursday 4v4
    Friday 5v5
    Saturday would be 1-5 xtals?
    Sundays 1-5 no xtals.
  15. Great idea - 
  16. @Goat - Yes it is meant to be flexible, both in using different numbers of people per team and in war types. That way it can be adapted fast and easy if one modus seems to work better than another.