Whose convenience is this change really for? Devs are you really reading the 47 plus pages of discussion? If so, do you hear and understand what your players are saying? If not, shame on you. I want to war, but how and when? I am not tearing down or remodeling my build and paying real money to do so. I will just hit ebs here and there and hope probably in vain for the game to change.
GOOD JOB DEVS and for those who say that 2 hr wars were the only venue spy and hansel builds could shine in you are wrong. I have been in several 1 hr wars where they were awsome and will continue to use them successfully at that
Ancient barcode posted page 5 about running 1 hour and 2 hour wars simultaneously , each clan would choose which war they want to sign up for and if they have hansels it would be 2 hour and if not they would choose 1 hour (if they don't have the time for the game or whatever your excuse was) wondering how hard that would be to implement .. Also, why isn't there a range of people able to participate anymore ? In season 2 it was like 20 to 25 members per war sometimes?? I hardly no matched then... Can't you do that again since you like makin half through season changes ?!?!???
Kaw community You are officially asking all ee builded hansel to quit kaw??? If one person say he can't do weekend wars at all, are you going to remove them as well? do you think you are fixing anything by doing so? Keeps me wondering have you really thought of it before implementing it? Seem to me you are just doing something to show that you are doing something. What a joke!!! Worst news ever... C'mon Devs. When will you ever wake up???
It's the pathetic matches u idiots 2 hour classic only think keeping me waring what the hell are you playing at? Season 1 was so good and you've basically just changed everything decent and now look what mess wars are in amount of money I've spent to try build good war build n get told no every clan because not bc or sh... Why can't you change wars mid season? U changed at start of season n made every1 adjust? Look back see how many ppl participated in 4 hour wars n u say ppl can't find time lol make ppl adjust save your game and stop catering for the weak who are scared of good fight. Make the fights close not rocket science try cap bfa some wars you thought needed addressing before and tried but the money mechanics u tried were beyond a joke which clearly proved your just winging it. Make a cs limit on wars 12 mill cs over and under. You say enough people arnt waring ever thought could be because any1 not build complete or a sh not getting looked at by clans?
Before I bash you guys as I usually do I just want kaw admin to answer a serious question. Do you know how strong a top 10 ally lb player really is? Now do you how strong 2 top 15 ally lb players really are? If you answer yes to either of those 2 questions I have no hope for this game. Cause the minute you tell me I'm close to a top 15 ally lb in strength is the minute I quit this game after over 2 and a half years.
I like it. Fully support. To bad I can't war this weekend. O well something to look forward to next weekend
U never answered the question Wat does the change to 1 hour wars on Sunday mean to ko times Are they still fixed 15 minute ko ? Are they shorter fix ko times? Or are u changing them to random/advantage ko times? Please respond
Just cancel s3 already and fix the system. 2hr fixed ko's were the only good wars left. To bad 75% of the wars are no matches. Is the reason for all the no matches the wide spread in build sizes that clans seem to require now? Should clans group stats closer together?
Apologies, the change also will affect the types of wars. Here are the full details. I'll add these to the original post as well. Saturday War #11 PST - 7:00 AM EST - 10:00 AM GMT - 3:00 PM SGY - 11:00 PM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Random KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 War #12 PST - 12:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM GMT - 8:00 PM SGY - 4:00 AM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Random KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 War #13 PST - 7:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM GMT - 3:00 AM SGY - 11:00 AM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Random KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 Sunday War #14 PST - 7:00 AM EST - 10:00 AM GMT - 3:00 PM SGY - 11:00 PM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Advantage KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 War #15 PST - 12:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM GMT - 8:00 PM SGY - 4:00 AM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Advantage KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 War #16 PST - 7:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM GMT - 3:00 AM SGY - 11:00 AM Duration: 1 Hours Health Crystals: 1 KO Type: Advantage KO Time: 7-13 Minutes Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20
Y do u think this is going to increase participation when you have just prevented most spy builds from warring and all those wanting 11 man rosters where no skill is involved are lazy morons who couldn't pick there nose never mind a roster. I mean y stop at 11 lets get 5 man rosters or just a 1v1 because there's a simila amount of skill involved and theonly builds that are usefull in 11 man roster 1 hours are sos or lb so participation is gonna drop dramatically andake fair matchups harder
more stupid news, now even the best war type is removed. Devs how about changing something that will actually help wars get better, not worse?
Incredibly stupid. Terrible decision kaw. Way to make wars impossible for hansels. Are you listening to people at all? Thanks for finding another way to ruin wars- and keep my pocket full and yours empty.
I second what vamp said change something that actually matters. Quit ruining what's good- aka 2 hour wars.
So funny, they dont get that the size of the Roster is still too big, this week many clans have been having problems filling rosters at last minutes... Theres less clans participating, and we still have the no matches.. During chaos wars there were a lot.. Thx for 1 hr war with 20ppl, pointless (these 20 rosters should be only on weekends n 2 Hr War) week wars theres a lot who work.