Bout dang time! I can stop emailing and sending feedback. Now, how bout you implement the OTHER changes you need to do to salvage EE wars altogether? Hahaha I joke. But every joke has an element of truth in it.
Well. 15 mins fix ko and 10-15 mins adv. ko 1 hour wars lol i can imagine no clans gonna pick middles in war, most no match up will be happened!
If you reducing the duration to 50% then you should double the number of wars over weekends, Friday Night onwards️
I wonder if its possible to run them both side by side? with clans having the option of 2 or 1 hr war, if you went for 2 hr war and you didn't get a match, the system would then try to Match you with one of the unmatched 1 hr war clans in a 1 hour war
Aww, that's it then. The last few brave clans that had 1 or 2 players with a fun build will join the masses. Tanks and SH's unite! EE belongs to you and only you
R u kidding me devs.... I have never complained on any of the BS u have pulled in the past but taking away any chance of us hansels enjoying these wars is messed up *clap clap* (shortly followed by the finger). Its a good thing i tore down these buildings and spent billions on adt cuz now im prepared to take on these ebs that fight back. -KISS MY ASS DEVS-
Devs, I only play this game for the wars, you took the weekday ones away from hansels, so okay, I looked forward to the weekend ones (despite the match ups) You then suddenly half way though the season totally cut out my build from wars to increase participation??? This not only stops the fun of warring, stops us getting EE and therefore growing as fast as attack builds? You should at least offer a full gold refund for all Hansels so they can rebuild, as you did with towers, so at least we can adjust and enjoy what's left of the game?
Funny how u focus on a tiny fraction of wat people complain and not wat majority complain about. I thought the wknd was more of availability to players cuz even wit working on the weekends and kid not having school i still have more time to spare on wknds. Its not my fault that people cant spare 2hrs cuz of church or wifey/hubby making them go shopping. Focus on the right crap for once will u devs.
Why didn't you change times as well. If you can change duration so easily then you can change times just as easily. Move the weekend wars 1 hr later ie: war 15 21:00 gmt instead of 20:00 i am sure you would get even more ppl warring then.
well now you have killed big spy builds in warring unless u what to go prue spy with 3-4 lb player. (-s26-) what a poor way to go. btw 2 down to 1 hour WAR you got to be kidding this is kingdoms at wars not kingdoms at war if you got time ????? remember the 48 hour wars . :evil: :twisted: :evil: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please dont go to only 1 HOUR WARS
btw im never going to grow now you have done this i like being hansel but will never get bigger why went i can get more wars this size. look at DS RH n the like :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Am I the only one who is starting to get the feeling that the devs are deliberately TRYING to torpedo this season? They're freaking clueless! I've never seen a company completely disregard the majority of its customers and make make such, frankly, STUPID decisions.
Shugy, it's probably because they can't decide amongst themselves which COLOR they want to change the equipment to be. May I suggest puke green or brown in honor of this season?
You're not going to increase participation! Maybe if you'd fix the problens that are said among the community there would be more participation. I'm starting to wonder if ATA hired mentally handicapped employees. You also want to make me punch myself in the face.
Devs you are making it so hard for our hansel clannies to war we still rostered them in 2 hour wars but in 1 hour wars they were very difficult to keep on roster. And now you eliminate the 2 hour wars... Can you please, please consider changing scout mechs so that in EE wars, no scout attack pots can be used? It would help the hansels be useful again and would also take away most SH's main 'weapon' of scoutbombing.