If i keep hitting easy quests like to catch a thief will i keep getting nobility points untill whatever number?? And also i finished all 69 quests and i got a crystal at some point of spamming the third one
@31331 You cannot always get crystals, they come at the end of certain quests and only the end. You can however always get nobility points. It's a 0.2% drop rate from Most of the people who's tested.
Crudex, I've never gotten a dropped xtal from a completed quest. Only completed, I have not even heard of others getting crystal drops from a completed quest. Please show exact calculations and research.
Cowlegend. Read the quests guide by toast. The answer and information to prove you incorrect yet again is in there
Found on Excavate. Already mastered. By my own numbers, around .925% for nobs, .02% for crystals. Not too long ago it was .885% for nobs, but i ran into a load of nobs.
By the way, I'm one of the few people in kaw that have actually exceeded 30k quests. So that you can trust me on.
Of course I trust you Resilience, not many are lucky enough to exceed 20k let alone 30k! I just personally in my testing have never actually gotten a crystal on a mastered quest. Or at least I don't believe I have. I am going to be re testing soon.
Ok I have 4 more sos to convert to volary lvl2 and my HL will be all volary and one t4 attack build forget the name lol So my question is should I work on volary to lvl3 or open up HF I have 8 so far I plan on building half my HF with towers cause I only have one now lol