All clans that got no match are shown in red in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up. The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 3 to 5 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them. War #14 PST - 7:00 AM EST - 10:00 AM GMT - 3:00 PM SGY - 11:00 PM Duration: 2 Hours Health Crystals: 2 KO Type: Classic KO Time: 15 Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 -S26TR- Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty Battlegrounds _RCA_ DRAGONS SANCTUARY The Living Myth PERKUTUT ARMY ancient prestige Rising Hawks -Empire Rising- Mini Mooncake La Resistance Warriors of Virtue Ghost Legion -Elysium- irAe infinituS Hong-Xin-Association INDIAN WARRIORS LIGHTNING ELITE -i-n-s-t-i-n-c-t- Spartans of The under world Wingless Angels Division 1 Mushroom Kingdom Tvp--Or--War War #15 PST - 12:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM GMT - 8:00 PM SGY - 4:00 AM Duration: 2 Hours Health Crystals: 2 KO Type: Classic KO Time: 15 Hit Restrictions: ON Roster Size: 20 All clans that got no match in this war had a max hit ratio below the acceptable limit. Meaning there wasn't a single possible match that could be made for any of you even if we chose a match with the best hit ratio. Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty -Empire Rising- SILVER Chronos Battlegrounds irAe infinituS Battlegrounds Rising Hawks Black Sails -WTF- K.o.S S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr The Sweet Escape Ghost Legion S1ns of TIA Spartans of The under world -DeVaSt4TioN- MINAS MORGUL Mushroom Kingdom Articles of Confederation Division 1 Wingless Angels -> odd man out.
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Sorry. But thats a lot of no matches for war 15, can we expect a better explanation on this one? It seems just awful
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Hi Panda, I'm looking through all the data but there isn't much more to say. Looking at this data, there were no possible matches for the clans that got a no match. The rosters all had hit ratios that were too low even when trying to match with every single other clan.
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Then can you explain to us how we can all achieve a hit ratio that is sufficient to match a clan?
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Hi Kaw_admin, I dropped build to a SH and dropped everything I did 3 wars this weekend and ALL of them were no matches I'm not asking to give us 10 ranchor, but maybe for all the no matches and time we have wasted we should get something.
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 You need to explain bit better than u did we have matched half peeps which had no matches so explain in more detail please
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Exactly. PoopleZ hit the nail on the head. I've worked too long and too hard to get my build where it is, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna drop build just to "fit the mold."
Hello admin. Could you possibly ahow us what an ideal roster would look like? One that has consistentley produced matches? Something we can model our own rosters after?
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 4 wars... On a weekend. MORE SHs, by God! Look on the bright side people... You only have another, what... 5 or 6 more weeks to go? Maybe by then all of the rest of the old school warriors will have given up and retired, EEs will be a thing of the past, and all that will be left are the latest "generation" who will be content plopping down their $$$ on xstals for the latest crap promo that gets dreamt up. After all, that's where the biggest money is anyway I'd bet. 44 pages on the Official No Match Thread... and how many changes have we seen? That's all you need to know.
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Kaw_admin, From what you've said before, you run simulators to see if each clan member on the roster can hit a certain amount of players in the enemy roster. This is your basis for Hit Ratio ... Have you ever considered that just because someone CAN hit another player doesn't mean it's a SUCCESSFUL chance of hitting that player? Have you tested that kind of ratio before? Successful hit ratio
Re: Season 3 Week 4: War 14 Yep, Jedi... It's been brought up. Page 12 out of the 44 page official thread. Lol!