We all know hitting an epic battle pays much more well than hitting a player. Consider HTE: the end payout, ect. The incentive to pvp is diminishing; but i have an idea to HELP even the playing field. Most of us understand the concept of when your troops% goes down so does your plunder. My idea is to change that to when you hit someone from full troops and you hit someone from pin you get the same plunder. (@ 100% 91m @50% 91m @ 10% 91m.) It's nothing crazy but it will help the my fellows who pvp daily. VULCAN ✪☣ՀᎯʃτ ☠ ƈᎯરɴᎯĢε☣✪
No support, you chose to accept the sliding pay scale when you became an attack build. Attack builds shouldn't gain anymore of an advantage than they already have in my opinion.
So, attacks should earn a fixed amount while steals drop drastically? You at least get a fixed amount (ally bonus) while hansels don't get a fixed amount at all. If your going to suggest a way to fix pvp then at least give all builds a fair chance.
Im getting really sick of devs favoring attack builds so much for whatever reason they have, so, no support
dont know. seems like a good idea maybe u should take that post make it longer, explain, add bb codes and explain have some pros, cons?
@Mr kickass if you anything about pvp you'd know that outside of ee Hansel is the best build in the game
Pays much more than hitting another player? Woah bro. I make 50 mil a hit TSG, 50-75mil on other players mainly depending on their size:
@Snap jaw You can make 15b+ in a 4hour tsg. You would do us all a favor if you find us a player that pays that.
Lol RLTW everyone your size is inactive. Maybe if you tried pvping with your main you'd have a different experience?