Go play pimd instead. Its easy enough here. I didnt get a volley to start and grew just fine on this acc old acc grew like crap because didnt know anything. If you want to help a newb teach them instead of giving handouts. No support
And have you been play pimd cos they give gifts Still trying to figure out how a cf on there is to gift people :/
SUPPORT!!! How could this possible be exploited? I can't wait for this to be implemented so we can farm the OP until he gives us weekly "Gifts"
Guys. I would really appreciate it if you read the rest of the thread before posting such comments. Due to 1. The fact that the maximum gifting value is 100 bill ( meaning receiver will only get 10 bill) it is very hard to abuse this. 2. Even if someone found the strongest and nicest players on KAW, they can only receive a max of 2 gifts per day from TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. 3. Even the nicest and strongest people can only give one gift per day. Thus, it will only improve the social aspect of the game. Nothing else.
Forcing people to gift you can be a dangerous thing to do since everyone will form high level connections. People can appeal to WC just as they do now to ask for help to defend against farmers who expect a gift. If people continue to black mail others for gifts (which would be pretty much useless to someone who can afford to farm a high leveled person) admins can deal with them. However, because the money is a small amount, I do not think this is a viable concern.
First of all, farming doesn't guarantee a loss of money for the farmed. I could easily bank my gold, invest it in allies, or buy buildings with it so that it is hidden from you. Secondly, KAW already restricts overly unfair attacks such as you attacking me. Thirdly, the amount of money a low leveled person can earn from farming another low leveled person is very small and cannot be compared with 100 billion. The amount of money a high leveled person can gain from farming another high leveled person is high and can be compared to 100 billion. However, for them, 100 billion is not as large an amount and they would constantly be banking their gold anyways. Finally, you cannot extort money because of the restrictions on gift giving. People can only receive two gifts daily and people can only give one gift daily. In addition, you cannot gift the same person twice in a row.
I agree with everything.. the potential abuse, the black mailing, the pay offs etc.. but i feel if this was implemented into the kingdoms only it can work. For example : Owners of these kingdoms are the true kings, admins are like the knights at a round table. If dev implements a treasurey where members can donate gold, mith any whichever else dev shall choose then the owner and X amount of admin (s) approve the treasurey can donate X amount to only the guild members. Dev should make an option for the owner when he/she chooses an admin a second option appears and asks standard kingdom admin or treasurey admin which allows partial control of treasurey but still needing the approval of the owner/king therefore him/her getting a notification (1) stating treasurer wishes to grant X this X amount of gold/mith do you wish to allow or decline? I beieve this system will work because it cannot be given to outside sources. Also to make it work better there should be a "cool down" for when leaving clans/guilds and thus eliminating hoppers, black mail, support to outside sources or ateast slows it down.
Thanks for the KAW lesson op.. I didn't know that's how it worked.. I would extort whole EB clans.. Each would give me 2 gifts a day