I'm 50/50 on this. I think the idea at it's core is a good idea with good thoughts an reasoning to create it. However, as some people stated above, you shouldn't start an EB if you aren't sure you're going to be able to finish it. Good idea, but with what I just stated along with the fact that this would be exploited big time, I'd have to say no support bro. Now if they had it so that only people with a certain cs range could use it, I'd bite, because that would eliminate hl/hfbc being a possibility in a matter of weeks, and can only be used on EBs up to let's say haunting, I'd bite.
i support this idea, i like it. as long as it wasn't allowed to be used in hte, maybe make it so this particular item can only be used with an hour left on the clock.
Yeah I appreciate your feedback guys I myself in a clan that has no sweat doing any EB's tbh but I do get a lot of requests and I don't mind. I just don't like seeing clans that could finish but can't due to issues of activity people going offline... Was just trying to create an alternative solution to failing ^.^
Its funny that when the devs did that double crystal promo someppl still could do 12hrs after it was over. that was an awesome glich
Actually if you go over your 24 crystal max limit you can just change the time on your phone 24 hours ahead. Works like a charm.