I love it. Everything about it. I had made a thread similar to this almost 2 years ago, although yours goes much more in depth. OP, 100% support. I hope you and your friend val make it happen.
Support 100%, and to increase the bounty hunter feel maybe you could add a feature where you can increase you're bounty; higher bounty=better plunder bonus. And have a way to target large bounty players for a better reward.
Definitely support. But what is to stop me from just using this to get the mith equipment and then upgrading it? What about long term playability? If that's already been addressed apologies. So much to read could have forgotten :lol:
Same as Alastar, too many comments to read if it's already been suggested. Anyway, I feel that one of the major problems people have with ee wars is that it's for a specific type of build, all other builds are rejected because they might leak. I love the idea for the group hunting but I can see it having the same problem. What if it required a small att build, mid att build, large att build, tank, hybrid, and large hansel? Or for the two kingdom teams have an att build and spy build? Either way, support! This seems like a very well thought out idea with potential
Should probably update this thread. Then again the devs never ended up using the idea, despite saying they were interested. :/