All Time Records

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by l_Shad_I, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. My Idea

    Under EB records includes this weeks and last weeks record... So, why not add in an All Time Records slot? This would just go right next to the two tabs.


    This new minor update would given motivation to clans to get their name out there and try to be the best at the EB. It'd also give people looking for clans for specific EBs a great starting place.

    Leave support and even other possible ideas below!
  2. who really cares tbh, its not really something to wanna show off about, and if you do trolls cough i mean people will put you back into your place and say rubbish like its Kingdoms At WAR not kingdoms at Epic Battle
  3. It's not a bad idea. I could see a clan having a lot of fun trying to set an unbeatablle record, and there being a lot of griefing possibly. So yeah, I say why not? Could diversify KaW quite a bit if people actually cared.
  4. #WhatWouldApheriunDo?
  5. Theology and geometry maybe?
  6. this is a really good idea! support! people might buy xtals to try and get records too. thats some incentive for the devs
  7. Is like this tbh
  8. Support could make one for battle list as well #of hits and the like. would show real vets and not fake ones
  9. i support this idea, because I'd love to see my record forever framed in some KaW hall of fame somewhere 