bring back 2x and 3x eb's

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WolfINsheepsClothing, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. I am not whining, I do not whine! Was completely unaware it was a promo. But completely enjoyed the change up. Most have went off topic here. I clearly stated that this is not just about gold. But more of equip drops as well. I was actually thinking of other players and not myself seeing I have the equipment. Offering 2x drops would help keep members in clan instead of leaving to equip hunt. That's just my perspective. Some of you being disrespectful is completely unnecessary. Yes I was asking for devs to return this so called summer promotion because I was under the impression that it was stopped due to HTE bring released. Do I care how fast everyone grows in relation to gold..... No, do I wanna see more equip drops yes. Not sure how some of you get wayyyyyy off topic.
  2. 1st i dont like hte. doesnt give new ppl same appreciation for stats as older kaw players. yes gold is great to grow but not the same as it was when u were struggling and clawing for stats.
    2nd hte is a trashy way to make a clan a lb clan . lets spend money and climb the lb while those less fortunate are working on stats the old fashion way
  3. imma have to say no support because like previous posters said it should take awhile to grow those who can pay to grow, grow ovscenely faster. We want nostalgia ad the little point in between growth spurts where we can enjoy the social aspect of the clan ad well as the growth aspect. Or heaven forbid we take a break from x3 HtE and help smaller clans grow...
  4. i kind of agree witht his sort of. it would be nice if they picked a better EB then haunts. everyone was already sick of it before HTE. now we have to pay for it clans have turned into greedy people. there is a fine line between play for fun and pay to win. if your not spending thousands of dollars every month on KAW your never going to make the leaderboards. so really what is the point? just make everything X3. people are still going to spend tens of thousands of dollars every year to stay on top.
  5. Eq is fine at current drop rates in under 8 months part time eq hunting gotten all but 7 now if not wanting to search for it get clan to work out a eq hunt schedule on high activity days. Ebs growing stale? Run something different randomly drop from t7+ do a run through some tier at random. And before anyone says the promo is why i got my eq no its not only had reck origins and nml. More huge drop rates would speed everyone towards huge stats/full eq leaving less and less to do. Scrolls seem to be the only issue for drop rates.
  6. someone mentioned 100x haunts. i say party hard 
  7. Forget the ebs finally give us a plunder % increase that's been there just not being used make it a veteran thing though say 1% pl increase per year your accounts been on kaw as long as you have log onto it atleast once a month or week threwout the year
  8. Any chance for supporting blocking ebs for 10-14 days or so? That'll make things interesting no?
  9. I hope they bring it back for summer again this year!
  10. Lets do a 3x HTE for next summer promo eh?
  11. I think there should be a clan and player 24 hour cast limit on HTE Please tell dev 
  12. Why there's 3x haunt and 3x warbeasts
    They are still going you just need to pay for them
  13. I just hope they don't get rid of Summer promos, because of HTE.