I would ask this in wc but uh.. Yup silenced. Had my silence reduced to 24 hours for anyone who is interested. They told me that I revealed my gender. Nothing about my age. I didn't reveal my gender in the PMs and I didn't do it in wc because well.. I was asleep -.- so I'm still clueless as to why I was silenced but whatever. Down to 24 hours will have to do. Anyway.. Reason why I'm posting this is actually to ask someone on pc to get my days played? (120 however long I've had activity achievement) I should be coming up to 3 years any day now
That doesn't work mate. Let's say I had spent 115 days on KaW, 5 more days for the achievement. Then I don't play 3 months, and come back again. I'd get the achievement for 120 days then, instead of 3 months ago. That's what happened to me, my actual join date was whatever it says plus like, 6 months.
Yeah that happens^ I didnt play kaw after the first time for 120 over 120 days, came on and got achievement felt awesome :lol:
http://bit.ly/1iDSnHz It's not a complex eb though. You use seal of the damned to open it. Attack/assassinate use seal of deflection attack/assassinate again Use seal of deflection
BFA stands for Bonus From Allies. BFA is how much power you get from your allies' strength. Each player gets exactly 2% of their allies' combined raw stats. To explain this in further detail, let's take a look at a picture. Below is a snapshot of my current raw stats. As you can see, there's quite a bit going on here. It's easiest to think of this in 4 categories. Current Troop Strength Current Spy Strength Max Troop Strength Max Spy Strength The numbers to the left of the "/" symbol are your current troop/spy strength. The numbers to the right of the "/" symbol are referred to as your "raw stats." These figures represent the maximum possible strength your kingdom can have (not including your allies, equipment, or other bonuses). This is only a measure of the strength of your buildings and castle. So, if I take my raw troop stats and multiply them by the scaling factor of 0.02, then I'll get my Bonus To Allies (BTA). This figure is how much my owner gets for having me as his/her ally. My BTA gets added to his/her raw stats. This is probably starting to get a bit confusing, so let's do an example. Here is my profile as viewed by other players. Notice that these stats are different than my raw stats. That's because other players only see my BTA. That's because BTA is the important information that my potential owners are interested in, since only my BTA will be added to their raw stats. But I digress. So if someone hires me, they will get my BTA added to their stats. In the case of my current owner, Donno-The-First, he will get my BTA added to his raw stats. But wait! We can't see his raw stats! Don't worry. To find someone's raw stats, simply look at their profile and multiply their BTA by 50 to find their raw stats. So, here's Donno's current profile: Rememeber, we only see his BTA. So to find out his "stats," we have to add his BFA to his equpment stat bonus. For simplicity, let's ignore his equipment stats. So, if we're working with only BTA stats, he has 11,967,224 attack stats. My ally bonus, as shown above is 912,696. But my ally bonus doesn't get added to his BTA - it gets added to his raw stats! So you have to multiply my stats by 0.02 to find out the BFA he gets from me. So, 912,696 x 0.02 = 18,254. Remember, this is only the BFA he gets toward his troop stats from owning me. So my contribution to his troop attack BFA is 18,254, which means if I was his only ally, his effective troop attack "stats" would be 11,985,478. If that wasn't confusing enough, here's some more technical details to throw you for a loop. BFA only works one level up. In other words, my owner's owner doesn't get any stat bonus from my owner's allies. Don't be ashamed if you have to read through this multiple times for it all to sink in. It took us all a while to really figure it all out. BFE is your bonus from equipment. Similar to BFA, you take the raw stats from your equipment and multiply it by 0.02 to get your BFE. Or you can just add your equipment stat boost to your raw stats, if that's what you're interested in. Your BFE raw stats can be found on your equpment page. Equipment stat boosts are static, which means it doesn't lower with your troop level. The exception to this are equipment items that give percentage boosts, like the Abyssal Blade - these items do scale with troop level.
@bry Well I was going to answer in 2 lines but I guess Initiation-cheese got every detail about bfe n bfa.