Allies reset by DEV 100% refund

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Mirs, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. I don't agree. You pick to buy an inactive ally, then expect to take a loss if it doesn't sell. Just like when people reset their accounts you take a loss. It's a gamble. At the end of the day, buy underpriced allies and you shouldn't have an issue. No disrespect meant, but no support here.
  2. Devs won't do this. For the few who get screwed, it sucks. But there's always people who will abuse it. Volleying between alts, up to and higher than a tril, profits going to one account. The other just holds the ally and waits. Why? Because devs would give them the gold back eventually Long term investments for immediate return.

    It would also inflate the market even more. I know alot of you don't wanna hear this, I don't blame ya.. But the ally market NEEDS to have its risks, it's potential for profits is so high.

    I would support devs refunding at a set rate per cs, something that would be hard to abuse. 40% return DOES suck.
  3. It's actually a 60% return cap if you keep the ally long enough.
  4. 60%*

    Sorry', a little rushed
  5. I agree iv had 24 reset last week and they were all my BIG ones iv had 7 littles this week so far
  6. SUPPORT️
  7. I disagree. Any real kawer would spend $2 to save their account forever. Buy actives or buy inactives with propacks
  8. Support, it's not fair for those that have allies reset and not be refunded in full value. Course it could be abused
  9. Support!!!!!
  10. Support my friend!!️
  11. What's the biggest ally that has resset on someone?
  12. put a price of 20 nobs per ally. Otherwise ppl can hire inactives for stats and not worry about losing gold
  13. Support!
  14. No support! Learn how to ally shop or don't whine about it when it happens - I don't know why people think the devs are picking on them. Resets are nothing new. It's always a risk buying allies. Minimize the risk and invest wisely. Plus I could see people taking advantage of this.