EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Support. As i will any and all threads @ this broken/exploited/cheated system.
  2. Season 1 was badass I enjoyed most of it. Aside from some miss matches where you could find yourself outnumbered by like 30 people lol.
    All in all thing was fairly enjoyable for the most part. I didn't much care for season 2 and have actually yet to war this account season 3. I might try a few near the end for a cpl items,definitely not gonna warring on a reg basis though. It kinda seems to be more hassle than it's worth trying to find a place to war with an actual war build.
    EE's are pretty fun when all builds and CS levels can participate, I hope to see some changes to the system soon.
  3. @ 21robber. By proud I mean I do not purposely try to exploit a system. I don't abuse what is put in front of me to utilize

    It's my money, I can choose to spend it wherever I choose. Since I became addicted to KAW I have quit smoking, prostitutes, illicit drugs, and gambling. ( that's a joke people)

    How much I spend on a game is not relevant to pride and how I conduct myself.


    Day 3 and I have not purchased anything from KAW. I wonder if the devs are applying or welfare yet? 
  4. Support. I haven't warred much this season, but from what little I have warred, I can tell you that it is ridiculous. Support bro!️
  5. This is all true the current system is terrible. I don't play a puzzle game it's freaking war, let us freaking war
  6. Lol @straw.... It has become a puzzle game.
  7. Support. Narrowing hit margins would largely increase the fun in every aspect of the game
  8. @ B16. Almost everyone in kaw agrees the hit ranges are too wide. This has been mentioned over and over and over.

    This has been a sore topic of discussion for many players even before EE

    But we will see how soon this gets changed or if it ever will
  9. I agree. S1, too small, S2, was a blast. Now season 3 just sucks really. Only clans getting rancor are mith clans, mids can't play any part because every clan runs sh and bigs only. This is just a season to gain money and grow so you can do something in season 4.
  10. Support.I've put allot of time & $ into this account & can't buy my way into a war. It was the only thing fun in this game any more. Now that's gone. I'm about finished with kaw.
  11. I quit trying to join EE clans for the same reason, apparently Devs are busy improving things like banners and EBs to even focus on EE. Maybe i'll focus my money spendings on FarmVille or Element Kingdoms at least then I wont be as disappointed as their isn't much too lose on those games. 
  12. I feel every bit of ur pain death i took part in the all hansel war at rca after that i tore my 14 mil cs hansel build down so i could war again now problem is im just a good size mid and get clobbered by LB and SH on that note I think if u want to war small builds make them pay the same as a big build encourage them to grow and spend money like we all did sick of getting matches where i get stuck hitting gh/sh that can make 80-90 mil a hit on me but i can only get 13-28 mil that is crap i was a gh hlc before 120 days without xstals that is how cheap there builds are
  13. Brother death. It it truly a said state of affairs.
  14. Support on comments as said per thread 