Replacing Allies Chat

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -IB_KILLZU_IB-, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. We all know that world chat is full of ads and how annoying it can become. A simple solution would be to replace allies chat with "ad chat". This would free up world chat to be used to actually have conversations and for new players to get help. What do you guys think? I'd like to know if you guys think it's a good idea or not.
  2. No support..I talk a lot at ac to my owner and many ppl who r close to their owner/allies use ac a lot to chat so they probably don't like ac to be replace
  3. 1: ally chat is used by many. Just cuz you don't doesn't mean it isn't.
    2: No one would use ad chat for ads
  4. no support. My owner and i are very close. You might say we sleep in the same bed.
  5. I'm in ac all the time. No support.
  6. People who don't support could you any suggestions please. And Why not use the actual chat system they have one here with private messages
  7. Could you post
  8. No suppor because as much as I hate ads they do give me the ability to see if I want something. I do check wc quite often. And if I see an eb that I want to do I may go there. But why would anyone want to go out of their way just to post somewhere they will be ignored? That's why
  9. Wouldnt people looking for ebs go to ad chat? All the ads u see in wc would be posted there.
  10. No. Since when did people actually conform to all rules of posting?
  11. Not sure what you mean rikki
  12. No support. I like talking to my owner
  13. No support, how else could I motivate my lazy owner without ally chat
  14. can just private message them with chat.
  15. Not only that but then mods would need to watch two chats instead of one and sometimes one chat can be enough
  16. for me..i am too lazy..we have to push more button to get to pm and chatting on ac is more fun..u should try it sometimes
  17. I actually don't like Allie chat I find it confusing when you try to talk to ur owner and multiple others are as well. So I choose to pm.
  18. I totally agree, having suggested this exact same thing about a week ago.

    Ally chat is a totally unnecessary vestige from the days before it was possible to PM. The only way to communicate with someone directly, other than walls, was ally chat. I can virtually guarantee you that the reason ally chat was created was so owners could explain the game to their hires and teach them how to get addicted to the game. ;).

    With direct messaging, it's totally unnecessary. Here is the key-- create messaging GROUPS. Where each player can create like 5 or 10 different messaging groups. That renders ally chat fully useless, and adds a feature much better than ally chat is, far more functional, capable of serving that same function but so much more as well. Clan owners can message all admins at once? This is as obvious a slam dunk as there is.

    Then the tab used by ally chat becomes the Ad Chat tab. Clans can post ads looking for people to help with EB's, clans and players can post ads to organize war rosters, people can post "hire me" and all that jazz. But no chat, no conversation, just ads. This makes a much more functional forum for ads to work, they won't get pushed out of chat so quickly.

    World chat will be no ads allowed then, just actual conversation and chatting and all that. This makes world chat a much more functional forum for actual conversation, the messages won't get pushed out so quickly.

    Another part of improving the chats is to make each chat hold more messages. Whatever it is now, 20 or something, up that to 75 or 100. Phones have plenty of memory. C'mon. And the servers should for sure be able to push more messages to a device when chat is first opened.
  19. well i usually talk to two allies at once and we dont really have that problem..we prefer to talk in ac instead of pm