Immunity Project Fundraiser Results

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Thank you to all of you who took part in the Immunity Project Fundraiser this weekend. By purchasing Health Crystals in Kingdoms at War, and Doctors Notes in Party in My Dorm together you’ve managed to raise just under $40,000 (which we’ll round up to an even $40,000) for the Immunity Project to help find a safe, portable, and free HIV vaccine

    While our fundraiser has ended you can still make a personal donation and learn more about the Immunity Project on their website at

    On behalf of all of us here at A Thinking Ape we thank you for your generosity. We felt this was a worthwhile cause, and together we can make a difference in the world.

    The Devs
  2. That's nuts! How much did we raise just on this game!? That's what I want to know I unfortunately wasn't able to donate I may to the site though.
  3. $40000 is not that bad for only a weekend. Nice job to all who donated.
  4. Great job everyone its definitely money well spent
  5. That's awesome!
  6. 40k isn't bad, but it's a lot less than the typhoon fundraiser.
  7. Not bad not bad
  8. 40k!! Nice!! Happy to say that without me it would be 39,995 dollars. :D or the devs would just have to spend another 5 dollars to round it up some more, but either way, great job!
  9. DEVS!!!

    You still know you have 2 other apps, Future Combat and Gangs at War. We're you going to include them in this or have you just said F them, they are not worth it.

    Of those I only play FC, but there are still people that play them. Although at this point the communities of each run the game, NOT YOU LAZY ASSES.
  10. Sorry to get off topic, but felt something needed to be said. Though I know you'll not address my above post.
  11. You didn't have to make a donation through KaW or other games. You could have done it through the website. Who cares where it was from. We raised 40k. That's damn good for 2 days. Don't bring your vendetta with ATA around here, you got a problem, email them.


    2 days was what the IPF, the typhoon I believe was at least a week.
  12. Good job KaWmunity!!!

    Thank you Devs for making donations to this cause easily accessible
  13. Really? From memory I believe it was 2 days. Like 15th-16th or 14th-15th of November.
  14. I should add that I wouldn't doubt that I'm wrong.
  15. ^ Saturday November 16th - Sunday November 17th

    Great work everyone!
  16. Every dollar will help. Congrats and respect to everyone that supported this appeal. Great job.
    One game community just made 1/10th of the phase one funding they need. Be a big boost.
  17. i missed it :( still donated to the website. . But no achievement :( that sucks . . Devs extended the dates plz :)
  18. great job kaw-munity *bravo*