Immunity Project Fundraiser

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Immunity Project Fundraiser. The fundraiser ended at 12:00am GMT. We will announce how much was raised tomorrow.

    If you weren't able to participate and still want to give to this great cause you can do so here: ... ds-vaccine
  2. This sucks. I was gonna buy done crystals. I'll donate to the cause via website. Thanks kaw ️
  3. Awesome
  4. Sweet! Can't wait to see how much the community raised!
  5. Look forward to seeing how much buck you made!
  6. Bummer... I just realized I bought the xtals after the event was they didn't go to the cause 
  7. How'd I end up here
  8. How much we raise??
  9. I have just spend on the Webside and buyed some crystals, can i still get the achivment? :|
  10. Kaw admin you really are terrible in letting your Kaw Universe know of any events. I had no clue this was going on. You need to get broadcasts out to use so we don't miss things. I also missed the typhoon aid one. 
  11. I'm glad to know that getting this achievement has no bonus attached to it but a wall banner
  12. They releases a forum about it a week before the event. What more do you want. A pm to every player. And they have provided you with a link to donate.
    Who the heck cares about an achievement for this. Doing the right thing is what matters.
  13. i didnt even realize there was a fundraiser  and i check forums multiple times per day. maybe next time there is a fundraiser, is it possible to to maybe have everyone receive 1 alert when opening KaW app? like when we receive free xtals? would help spread the word.
  14. i agree with Harry, and like every event have an achivment and this is still a game where achivments looks nice.. and donations for projects on RL ppl always get a simbol or Plug for it... ;)
  15. i can remember we got a message when Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts (November 16 - 17, 2013).
    and what is wrong wishing an achivment? dont forget we are on a game and achivments are part of it :!:
  16. This seemed like a great event! Good job KaW developers :D