Really though, while you're asking for this, don't forget 1)the devs didn't have to do it last time, and it was a ONE TIME THING. 2) HTE and rotwb are LIMITED, meaning at any time they could be taken out of the game PERMANENTLY, just like the 2X 3X drops/gold was. Stop asking for things an be grateful for what we have now. And besides, look at the roadmap, where do they have time for this
Listen! There is a suggestion box for a reason! Either support it or move on from the thread! Nobody is ungrateful, just making suggestions. Not sure why some of you even post if your just gonna bash everything anyone has to say. Keep your miserable comments and negativity to yourself.
As much as I would love this, it isn't going to happen. I would much rather have this as an Easter promo instead of another fang/moth hunting event.. Also, much variety would be nice. Like, x2 pot drops on destroyer, or x2 bronze bar drops on TGL, etc..
No RotW and HTE used to have **Limited Time** on them but now since devs are money hoarding ****s they put it in permenently. Greedy *******s
Umm, it's called criticism, and if you don't like people not supporting your idea, then get your noobish self out of the forums. People don't like stuff, and will say why the don't, and I'm not breaking tos whilst I do it
Noob? Lmao! That's great! Agreed as a Easter promo would be nice instead of another hunt where everyone is farming NML
Clearly I wasn't here? Lolwut?!?! The reason they don't have those promotions often is because getting big is supposed to take a LONG TIME! If you could start an account and jump right into b2b 3x ambush for the next 6 months everyone would start having HLBC accounts in a year. Doesn't make it fair to the people that grew on regular haunts and pwars now does it?
No support, the summer promos were fun and all, but they were not meant to be a permanent part of the game play. The reason drop rates for gold and equip are how they are is because the game isn't designed so that you are HLBC or have perfect EB equip in a month. You are supposed to work for it, something many players seem to forget when creating posts begging for 2-3x drop rates again.
That was merely a summer promo young grass hopper, you will learn some day, that noobs much prefer triple haunts than anything else <3
No. Just no. The majority of kaw doesn't even do escape all the time so it's special when we do it. Join a b2b tsg clan or something if you want to change it up a little