Support? Or not?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Surgery, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Association Football(soccer) is the first in the world, in America NFL has been most popular for 30 years straight.
  2. He has spoken, it is now decided.
  3. But I like the idea, so you just ignore me.
  4. Do whatever the hell you want, in the end you will anyways.
  5. No support

    I liek shin gards
  6. Sounds fun, I like where this is going.
  7. Why no support dirtylarry?
  8. All you guys saying no support, is this not the same as the idea moose did with the NFL league, but with 'soccer' or football? I think it's a good idea support!
  9. Seems interesting, support
  10. I suggest you trial run this first, and see how it goes. If you get a large response, it could be looked at closer at that time, perhaps.

    The only problem I see is that soccer is a game in which the scores are relatively easy to predict because the score board increases by increments of "1", and the scores generally don't tend to get so high.

    The football contest was a challenge because football scores increase by increments of 1,2,3, and 6 points, and each team csn generally score up to 50 points in an hour. The mathmatical permutations are far greater in this sport than soccer.

    However, as I said, why not run a few trials and see how the community responds?