Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ragnar_The_Fearless, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Devs please we need war xtals!!
    It would be great if we could get this! Support?
  2. Request a mod lock this and put more effort, that way people will actually care what u have to say :) no offence
  3. ^Offense intended*
  4. What machine said.
  5. Didnt the devs state they could not implement it into the game? I believe this was said in that Road Map of KaW (or something like that).
  6. No they said they wanted to for season 3 but is taking more effort than expected
  7. That's not what they said at all :roll:
  9. They don't even use the word effort in that quote
  10. It says they may not be implemented. They probably found to many ways for it to be abused, they could have found ways it didn't work. They could have simply found now way to incorporate them into the game without it dropping sale prices by an easy half.
  11. Can someone explain to me what war xtals intended to be? I see so much on it but never knew what it actually entailed