*Apologies for no BB codes, just want to keep this short and sweet* So, I'm sitting here repeatedly getting scouted, feeling really annoyed that I can't figure out who it is. Then I started reading forums and read about new spell ideas. So my mind combined these two ideas, and here's what I came up with. The mechanics: This spell would cost 12 mith. (This can be changed). It would work kind of like unholy aura. Every time you get spied successfully, there would be a 50% chance of the person scouting you being shown in your news. (This number can also be changed). The reason it isn't 100% is because I think that would be pretty OP. The benefits: This would be good for finding those irritating scout bombers, especially in EE. It would be good to know who's scouting you in EE so you can hit them back and sko on them instead of sitting there helplessly having your spies burned away. Same thing for PvP. The cons: I can't really think of any Feel free to give any feedback -Prodigy
Although it is irritating to be scout bombed. It.depletes the purpose of "spies" in game point is if they're successful there not to be seen accept by that fcking annoying wandering villager.
Great idea! But if the spell could also allow you to reveal other spy actions, like stealing and assassinating, would be even better
No support. The whole point of being a hansel is to stay anonymous. Want to know who scouted you? Build sdt.
OMG GUYS!!! BE SUPER RAINBOW CUZ IT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE... By the way ill read your feed and legit answer after:) SkkdbdjdodhnskxjhdjakanxhsksnKSJDHDISKSBSVSHSSJ
I agree with turtle.. Spies are supposed to get in do their job an get out without bein seen.. It is very annoying, but like he said, wanna know who it was then put up towers or sdp. Sorry, no support
No support, spies would be a completely pointless aspect of this game if this was integrated into this game.
Umm there are already spells that do this cast the spy spells boosting your stats. They fail then u farm the **** out of them :lol: