The past couple weeks I have been an admin for the clan Devil Star (I've been admins for other clans as well) and I find it quite annoying to have to back out of KaW just to go on our messaging application to talk. I know a lot people use voice applications but at our point of the clan making, it isn't necessary. Anyways, some might call me a lazy whiner but I honestly think that if you are made an admin or are a owner of a clan, you should be able to participate in an admin chat. Where could you put the admin chat link/button? The same place the ally chat and wc and cc. I personally think it would be really convenient and it would keep me on KaW a lot more haha. What does everyone else think?
Once again...the idea has Support. Link owner and admins to the completely useless ally chat so they can have important discussions within the game. Rather than bouncing between applications.
No support. No need for this, if you want to chat, just make a group in that 3rd party app and talk there, tapping a few buttons won't kill you.