Read Please!!!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -AoW_Seth84_SE-, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Support. I still need stalwart helm from ctt and can't ever find one going on. This would at least narrow it down.
  2. Yep that's a good example of why we need it
  3. Epic. So much easier. Hope the devs see dis
  4. Support!
  5. Support, this is a great idea.
  6. i was thinking the same thing OP
  7. Great idea, I have spent a lot of time going through that list to find the EB. It would make it much easier.
  8. I shall support
  9. All the way bro! Support
  10. This is a great idea. Wouod take away a bit of spam out of wc and make it so much easier to find the ebs you want.
    I know this would make equipment hunting 100xs easier
  11. Great idea seth. I support it. This would take some of the spam and ads out of the wc too, hopefully.
  12. This is a good idea… even if it has been suggested before. :p
  13. Great idea. Makes it easy to find those cods and fods
  15. What the WTF barcode said.

    Oh and support