★Looting Spell★

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Reid, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Introduction
    Hello KaWmunity! This is my first time posting on forums, so don't hate me too much. :D I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

    The Idea
    I propose… a new spell. Now hear me out. It would be called Looting.
    Basically, this spell would increase drop rates on various things, and would cost 8 mithril to cast, so you would have to do war before casting it.

    While having the spell activated, you can earn 25%-40% more gold off of that player per hit.

    •Epic Battles
    While having the spell activated, you can earn 15%-30% more gold off that epic battle at the end.

    Thanks to AshesOfEden for editing this idea and making me post it in the first place. :)
    Remember, there is always room for improvement. Leave your suggestions below.
  2. Support 

    8 mith is too cheap though. Should be at least 12.
  3. Good idea.
    12 sounds good.
  4. Seems kind of OP. It should be the same cost as unholy aura, and give a 50% chance of extra plunder every hit. But I like the idea :)
  5. Ok. It will be a 60% chance of doing anything.
  6. And possible a increase on drop chance? Like buyable ee
  7. I dont think buyable with gold. It has to be a spell, otherwise people with trillions could become OP.
  8. Yes! Please suggest to devs, but say 8 mith
  9. 12 not 8**
  10. Hahaha ok.
  11. Healing aura - the eb part
  12. I'd say 16 Mith if and/or you add upgraded drop rates.
  13. Upgraded is a good idea. Make more money for the devs. :D
  14. Support! Great idea!!
  15. For 12 mith, the spell should be 4 hours long. To prevent an absolute breakage of eKaWnomy, imagine having level 5 EE this.

    Making it only 4 hours ensures that to have it running 24 hours a day, it would cost you 72 mith for one day. Good price 
  16. This would be op. All of the ee abusers who win 19/20 wars or more have infinite mithril, everyone else may be able to use it a little, or every so often, but they will use it 24/7
  17. So basically you can do 1 TVP and you'll get basically level 1 EE??

    This is broken. No support.
  18. We can fiddle around with the technicalities later. :p
  19. But what for those who don't war, why is most things now revolved around war?
  20. "Kingdoms at War"

    Gee, I wonder why?