Aces N Eights

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by lIlIlIDo-YoU_eVeN-lIfTlIlIl, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Bump.
    Doing COTD

    All welcome, preferably 3M CS or above
    Exceptions made
  2. Woo. Banner hunts.
    We have ONLY been doing ebs that drop banner pieces or banners themselves.
    1M CS or higher.
  3. Support to A8s

  4. Isn't that also called dead mans hand or something? I could be wrong
  5. Great clan enjoyed my stay there.

    CC was fun and the people are great. I'm giving you guys my noob support whether you want it or not.

    DH ️
  6. Ryanto3, yes. Dead Man's Hand is also the name to one of our subs. :)
  7. A8 is currently running FOD, 3M CS and up encouraged. Drops banner material! :)
  8. Eeeeeeeeeeew banners >;(
  9. But I'm in the middle of a GS :?
  10. How much longer?
  11. Bump!
    TVD unlock after this NML.
    4M CS encouraged. ️️
  12. No dev is in that clan
  13. TVD on now need some help :D
  14. What about a dev? 
  15. He means devouring is in your clan
  16. Oh. Yea. Visiting.