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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Is a temple of clarity considered a spy tower?
  2. How many HL unlock the third set?

    Do owners here get a bonus when an ally buys a new land, like in GaW?

    Is there a decent guide to t5 and t6 building costs and stats? If so, where?
  3. Does anyone know if there is a guide to achievements, and where to find it? Just wondering what the bonuses are for the higher level ones.
    ..a link would be great ;)
  4. Closest thing I could find is the Modern Day Kaw Handbook by Slayerbob. Look in the new guide section as it will be in there stickied.
  5. @-Bumblecot- Wulfs thread on land and building should give you tier5 details. That is infers strategy. And you don't get a direct bonus when your ally buys a new land, I guess the bonus is them building and upgrading to increase their stats. So that's a bonus to you.
  6. What EB should I do to grow fastest? (First time with attack, again).

    To clarify, I'm no EB noob. In fact, every other EB, I unload on my targets.
  7. Also @Bumble, 15 highlands unlock the Hoar frost lands.
  8. Haunt. Cast battle fury to ensure that all hits are succesful. If you skim troops (2attks/5minutes) It generates more gold than unloads. Dependant upon spies you may want to skim or unload.
  9. 10 100b allies or 1 1t one?
  10. 10 100b if you plan to not be at OSW for awhile, 1t for normal OSWer
  11. I used to own an account and didn't use it for some time, the account became invalid. Now I came back and found out the clan that my account still exists with the only user being my old account. When I go to view the account it comes up invalid. How can I get my clan back?
  12. Try and get your old account back and running, basically invalid means it's been reset. But clan owners can reset and still be owner. So if you can get that account back you can get the clan back.

    Email support@athinkingape.com for more help.
  13. Ok I will try that, thank you very much :)
  14. You're welcome.
  15. How do you SKO during a war?
  16. You self ko in the enemy roster. Meaning you need to empty your spies and troops on the opposing clan before they do it for you.
  17. Why does it say 'Unknown Class Kingdom' on people's profiles ever since the banner update?
  18. Probably just a small bug. I imagine devs will fix shortly and if not then send en an email at Support@athinkingape.com
  19. Now my question.

    Does anybody have nice emoji sword wall art that they could pm me? I had all my wall art saved on my other iPod and lost it. I am also to lazy to start from scratch so I'd appreciate it xD