my idea is simple the ability to trade in a full land set once it iscompleted and by doing so you get the ability to upgrade you castle tolvl4 witch enables you to then also upgrade the current building available to that land set one extra level for example you trade in a completed land set say lower lands u lose all lands bought an buildings but get a lvl4 castle u then have to re buy all lands in that set and re build all building but u are able to go one extra level on each building boosting the players kingdoms power each time and if possible u are able to do this more than once so u can upgrade past lvl5 but only if u trade in the land set enough time to reach that level so to get lvl5 building u must trade in land set till you castle is lvl5 and so on if there are any more levels to do past level 5 Now I can understand most of you will say well why do that it’s a complete waste of gold but no its not if you think about it how menny players have all 75 lands an are now just waiting for new lands why new lands why not be able to make upgrading more challenging by making the goal of completing the land set the way to move onto the next level. Some may say this idea is too complex or will take too long but it’s the complexity of the idea that makes me like it so much. Well I love the idea an after a good think I thort id share it and see what the KaW community thinks. All feedback is good feedback weather you like the idea or not. hope you like this as much as i do
Only four periods, and no commas. It makes it a lot harder to read with out those periods and commas.
Very few players are HFBC... Those that are, probably don't want to keep growing lands, especially after HF L4 and 5...
He says, you buy all 24 ll, then you can reset your ll, so all is cleared but your castle, then you need to rebuy all the lands again, and rebuy all the buildings, only you get to upgrade to level 4 (or 5), with a bonus to upgrade your castle to level 4
English was not my strong subject at school i just bout got the spelling right lol nvm all the other bits lol ,".:'; so have to make do with the really long sentences lol :cry: :cry:
I do understand it. The Devs have rumoured higher lvl land rather than more land so this would make it more challenging. However, I'm inclined not to grow as getting space in war is difficult enough now!! But good idea. Hope they look at it.
Hell I'd trade in my ll any day lol as it is now I could easly redo them in a matter of a day or 2. So I support this form.