Are you tired of the same old boring wars? Tired of hitting your list of people and keeping them pinned for however long your war is; EE War or System War. You may not be alone in your boredom, there is probably many that join you in such ways of thinking. The percent of KaW that does Epics over Wars is roughly 80:20, which means 80% of KaW is doing Epics over the 20% that still wars. Taking everything into consideration, would you war if there was a better incentive to? Better yet, would you war if there was something more attractive to warring that hitting this person for hours on end. The same actions; attack, scout, assassinate, attack, scout, assassinate. Yes, it does indeed get exceptionally boring and needlessly to say, repetitive. It is completely expected for the majority of KaW to do epics instead of warring. There is no incentive to war right now. They haven't brought in the War Crystals, they haven't made the plunder higher for 1v1 or even wars. I can completely understand why not many war. They don't want to! People would prefer to grow and earn better doing Haunting: The Escape or any other epic than waste money banking, staying up all night tracking, watching for strips, etc etc. I bring to you the idea to make wars better, to make it so teams have to work together to win. The best clans will have their organization tested, the strongest players will feel like the have a responsibility to stay loyal and active, smaller members will have to listen to those who have more experience. But the ultimate goal; clans will be torn apart, teams will be slaughtered, and those who can manage to stick through it will have the highest organization in the entire game. Challenge wars, designed to test the skills of the best warring clans of KaW. Designed to test the authorities in each team, and a test to determine which team is out there to win and which team will be slaughtered within minutes. These wars are meant to be difficult, they are meant to show KaW who the best skilled teams are and which could use some work. They will break you down, tear you apart, and it is up to you and your clan to put yourselves back together or thrown down the hat and quit. These wars will do the following; You will be given a task to complete each hour. If you succeed, plunder will be added or a special mith spell will be given for the duration of the next task. If you fail, plunder will be taken away. {Or something of the sort} They are meant to be exciting and give your clan a task to do instead of the regular boring shenanigans. Such tasks during these wars could be the following: 300 Scouts in an hour 400 Attacks in an hour 500 Assassinations Etc Etc
Other then the tasks part, this is exactly what an OSW does Jester. BTW the point of 1v1's is not for somebody to make plunder, it's to wreck them. Hopefully I did the bb code right, been awhile since I used one. You complained about this on ONE of your ***** about things threads, so I thought I would mention, you did 3, and 4 on that list. Nobody cares about you as a forumer, you are annoying and many would agree. You think you are above yourself and mods can make exceptions for a spoiled brat like yourself. #4 you broke because this thread has been made before, there was a thread about having tasks in a war already. Just please please quit, you would be doing KaW a huge favor
1. You can take your **** elsewhere as I care not about your opinion. 2. There are many people here who care about me as a forumer. 3. I don't frankly care, it doesn't show up when I searched for it. 4. Get the **** off my thread as you are baiting.
No doubt fiddy/Jessie has her supporters I suppose that's what fuels her diarrhea of the fingers; quite the quantity of posts, not much quality. If you cut out the self bumping, self promotion and orders to remove oneself from her posts, there just ain't much there.
Simply put, eb is chosen over wars 8 times out of 10 (your ratio) because an eb won't hit back, and as you said, you'll have to be banking all the time in war. Overall, pve is the better way to make money (grow) since its all gain gain gain and no gold to lose, and thats not going to change. But I am happy that there are still ideas about boosting pvp, which I would also enjoy seeing an improvement for I've proposed my own ideas many times and have frankly given up on Ata