Discussion in 'Wars' started by _xllAAllx_DeMoN_xllAAllx_, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. SS or it didn't happen.
  2. Nvm. Just got the info from admin.
  3. Op sicniss not protecting you anymore = you can't run your little round mouth :lol:
  4. Much respect to zaft. Good war
  5. ️
  6. From what was lost on both sides of war compared to what was gained, was it worth it?
  7. So who won in the end? Or asked for the cf?
  8. now ... idk you at all ... but all I can see is the (only verbally?) "friendly fire" around you ... that's the worst part of such "organized" wars for "loyalty" ... ppl you trusted start letting you down ... is it the first time it happens to you? ... that's why I never joined any clan vs clan osws ... too many lies behind ... preferred fighting and losing on my own in "1vs1"-"osw"s enforced and pretended by same abusers as it is a shortcut to same results ...
    now they call you a "runner"? ... not really fair or grateful ... is it? ...
  9. ^hate? ... there is nothing causing more butthurt than truth, dear ... don't blame me for that fact ...
  10. ^ truth this isn't about your "style" but we really don't care. You don't war with people not because you don't trust them, but because nobody likes you 

    Respect to both sides that kept it respectful ️
  11. I like Ancienne :|
    Am I nobody then?
  12. Yeah. You're a nobody.
  13. OP is a war runner that hasn't hit me back one time this whole war. But glad to see his pulse is strong enough to type this web of crap about him fighting somebody. Just another SUCnISS joke.
  14. Reg your just a p r I c k ...and surprised I can steal you 
  15. What happened to ZAFT/UC?
  16. This was a zaft vs uc war. Has everybody forgotten that?
  17. The winners are the ones who fought, improved their skills, and had fun. The losers are the people who didn't.

    As I told one of my worthy opponents, it's not personal. It's just business. Shout out to "ZT"

    ZAFT Destiny
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