UPDATE: 1-20-14 @ 10:53pm est: Chair 10/10/9 stl np Grand total: 199/208/9 stls on chair. Chair still winless on me Losses holding at 33904.
UPDATE: 1-20-14 @ 11:43pm est: Chair 9/9/9 stl pn Grand total: 208/217/9 stls on chair. Chair still winless on me Losses holding at 33904.
THE MIDNIGHT UPDATE (14.5 hours since inception) 1-20-14 @ 11:58pm est: Chair 12/12/9 stl np Grand total: 220/229/9 stls on chair. Chair still winless on me Losses holding at 33904. So, Chair...you claimed you would have my attack losses over 34,000 by midnight. Well, it's midnight, 14.5 hours after you made this claim on my wall. At the start, my losses were 33,904. 14.5 hours later they are...33,904. Meanwhile, I went 220/229 steals on you. So, how did you make out with your goal? Seems you fell a tad shy of your mark. Try harder, chairpad. Let's see if you can catch up as I sleep. Good luck
UPDATE: 12:07am est, 1-21-14: Chairpad 2/2/9 stl np Grand total: 211/220/9 stls on chair Chair still winless on me. Losses remain at 33904
I notice how all you yapping little dogs got real quiet after I posted the link to the old thread and Laoda's own words why he got involved. Too funny. I'll deal with your ignorance tomorrow Poop. Have fun staying pinned all night. :lol:
Actually I got bored and went to sleep So little errand boy goes running to his masters and that's what they come back with, the old propaganda post from laoda which was laughed out of kaw - quality Even though it's been proven time and again that Laoda joined Solace before Destiny was hit? Actually did you not know Destiny was hit cos of Wikked? Tell you what, I'll help you out ( again ) ask any member of Solace, you know the ones WHO WERE ACTUALLY THERE! Chair you really have proved how embarrassing you actually are if that's what you came back with after all that time ( I hit cos Hooli told me to! ) ️ Moron Alert ️
Proven by who? You haven't proven a damn thing here or anywhere, except you clowns run your mouths a lot and can't back any of it up. You asked why ZAFT got involved. I answered it. You keep saying you know all this stuff. You keep saying you have proof. Put up or shut up, yappy little dog. It's that simple. :roll: And I'm going offline, so don't start whining again about how I'm afraid to answer. I'll deal with your ignorance in the morning too.
Run along boy 'Master master gimme something to say quick' Poor Chair, must kill you not actually being in the loop. Claim to be admin and spokesperson, yet told nothing - that doesn't make you look worse AT ALL Laoda said it so it must be true
UPDATE: 7:07am est, 1-21-14: Chairpad 3/3/9 stl pn Grand total: 214/223/9 stls on chair. My losses are now at 33909. That's an increase of 5 losses in 21.5 hours. Did I mention that those losses aren't attributed to you, chairpad? I'll give you the opportunity to show some integrity. How many of those 5 losses are from you?
Holy crap, did chairpad actually post laoda's explanation for why they are in this war and expect us to care? Ya just can't fix this kinda stupid
Oh, and chairpad...if you go to the very same thread that laoda created to offer up his reasoning for joining this war, you will see we already laid to rest the misinformation he posted.
2 hours ago I took an incoming attack loss from sir_haha. I'm not sure how you want to handle this, chairpad. You claimed that YOU would put me over 34,000 losses by midnight (which you failed miserably at). Then you said YOU would put me over 34,000 losses in a week. Looks like someone else has contributed to your cause. I'm feeling kinda bad that you failed so miserably. How about I give you until midnight again. Try harder
UPDATE: 7:50am est, 1-21-14: Chairpad 13/14/9 stl pn Grand total: 227/237/9 stls on chairpad My losses holding steady at 33,909
Let's review, shall we little dog? I don't claim to be an admin. I am an admin. Since you're dim witted, let me help you out. Check our roster and clan page. If you doubt I speak for Hooli, ask him. You seem to have plenty of time to run your mouth here. You have time to ask him. Laoda says it, so it must be true? You keep barking here and not backing anything up. Why should we believe you? You say it, so it must be true? Who the hell are you compared to Laoda? Laoda runs one of the oldest and most successful family of clans on KaW. What do you run, besides your mouth? And let's not forget, we've already established UC/Apoc lies their butts off. If I have to take someone's word on something. I'll go with Laoda, and not some yappy little dog. Now, you keep saying you have all this information. Post it and back it up. If not.... I'm cooking breakfast. I'll be back in a bit.
Yes, JB...post ss proof, like I did. That way he can look at the evidence like everyone else on this thread has. The difference is this: He will see the very same thing that a reasonable person would, yet deny it. "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit" proof that chairborne is not the only complete moron on the face of the planet
Chairpad's "proof" is what laoda said. That's some hard evidence right there Just when you think chairpad has reached the epitome of stupid, he takes it to a whole new level
Thread views: 11,621 Well Poopy, you guys asked why Laoda got involved, I showed you why in his own words. And the same applies to you. Who the hell are you compared to Laoda? You're a third rate player in a third rate clan. You little dogs keep yapping about taking people's word on things. You're a proven liar. Why should we take your word on anything? And yes, everyone knows you're a KaW God. Mortals fear you. Men want to be you, women want to be with you, lions tremble at your approach, etc, etc. We get the picture. Here's what you don't tell people. I don't care if you steal me. I can have you spy pinned all day anytime I want. I've had you spy pinned for two hours already this morning. You want to self pin 24/7? No problem. I'm not sitting here waiting for you to come out of pin. I've been beating up on Perse. I have her posted in the ca and Destiny is working her over today. She's down to 11 adp from 13 this morning. You can watch her losses going up. We're stealing her too. If she comes on and starts playing turtle. I'll pick someone else. You can't all pin 24/7. Besides, I have all week to get you. That was the deal. I know you'd to change it to a 1 vs 1 but that's not what the challenge was. Live with it and stop crying. Not that I really care about it. I'm manipulating you. I even told you that back in the earlier parts of this thread. You're too stupid to listen. You had no problem with me pounding on you all week when no one was watching. But tell you I'm gonna make your losses reach 34,000 and your ego kicks in. Now you either have to self pin all week or let me pound you. Your choice. And unlike your awesome steal numbers you keep posting and which can't be verified, your attack losses are right there for everyone to see. Personally, I'm hoping you self pin and give us all a display of your legendary pinning skills. Remember, you don't have your excuse from last time. I can hit you cash out or not. And if needs must, I'll put the whole clan on you. I have that authority. We'll see which one you pick. Oh, and Perse... I'll get caught up here in a bit. I've got some chores to do.
UPDATE: 11:41am est, 1-21-14: Chairpad 2/2/9 stl pn Grand total: 229/239/9 stls on chairpad My losses holding steady at 33,909