System War Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IllIlIlBUNNYIllllIlIl, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. I mean give sorry
  2. I think it's more about war for the victory. So, the banner would probably give bragging right.
  3. I love it , full support
  4. I think the banner should to your stats like an equipment drop the longer the war the better the stats
  5. I really haven't thought of what the war banner would be, the idea really isn't for equipment, that's just a bonus the war is for personal pride
  6. Yeah but doing a 3 month long war you should get something other then an achievement and a clan disbandment
  7. Maybe make like war banner: 5mil attk and 5mil spy attk
  8. Maybe, but then you'd inevitably have people wanting to war just for the stat increase. That's not what I took as the purpose of these theoretical system wars. Again, EB's would still be there to drop equipment for you, woro.
  9. Yeah but the war banner would be there to help your stats with war? Plus it's not the main idea of winning a war it's just an extra bonus for warrin 3 months of your life
  10. You can still do EB's for three months for stats 
  11. The points not really gaining stats it's lvling up so u get bigger
  12.  what level are you?
  13. No support as this would work off plunder.

    A system with no countdown that tracks,$ in pots burnt per player, Gold won / lost , successful and unsuccessful actions.
    Losing side presses cease fire (forfeit) 3 times,different admins, owner.
  14. Good idea in principle, needs a bit of tweaking would help sort out the people who can fight and the ones who are all mouth FULL SUPPORT ICE
  15. i plucking love this idea SUPPORT :lol:
  16. Woro people will war thats the game bro they are cocky they think they will be able to beat anyone that they war people will risk disbandment no doubt in my mind
  17. Full support. Great idea. 
  18. Support but needs a few tweaks. Good idea I could of used these option a week or so ago :) Happy Kawing tox and iced.