Request mith eb

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_-F-_-U-_-, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Mith is for WAR equip NO SUPPORT
  2. Lol love the people going at op calling him a noob
  3. Make seal of the damned purchasable only with mith, that'll get people warring lol.

    I could see mith for not warring being achieved through random battle list hits, and quests (as nobs and xtals are now) or perhaps even a small mith reward for personally completing every EB once, or even a rare item drop that sells for like 1 mith from an EB. This would include everyone in the availability of obtaining mith while preserving the 'sactity' of system wars being the best option for obtaining mithril.

    With all the season reward exclusive gear I don't really see why it is such a huge deal to give a little more access to mithril to all, as this miniscule amount would be used for people who osw the most imo. Then again, everything is a huge deal usually for 'tradition's sake' it seems.
  4. Hahahahaha a drug head plays this game this is what they say. I want a meth eb
  5. Support, I totally agree and see what your sayin' but I dont think they're going to do anything about it
  6. Why not make the curse of hte complete and add mith drops to that. Less hassle than matchups and your builds this that and the other.
    I'm done with wars but mith is a pay to play reward so heck tack it on to hte
  7. I have only got to war a few times and i really enjoyed it because it was fun and challenging that was back when wars were 4hrs long! But i must say they limited mithril buying because they wanted people to war and they even shortened war lengths for those who cried it was to long. So dont cry about mith ebs on forums war for it if u want it all there is to it. NO SUPPORT
  8. No support mith should stay as is, won through war.
  9. I dont like war that much cause of my build but like everyone else no just no to get. Your 250 mirth work FOR IT.
  10. No support. Although I don't usually war the game was founded on war and those that do war get some exclusivity with items, which there isn't much with pvp.
  11. Mith is warriors and if Devs ever changed that so much people would leave. Go **** yourself OP. I hate you. Most of KaW now hates you.
  12. He must live in the basement on da toilet,
  13. As someone who doesn't have the time to war I would also like an alternative. Doesn't have to be an EB but anything would do really...
  14. Why not do both just make eb moth Super low cuz some people don't war even though it's a war game upside would be give more to those who do war
  15. Sawy you stupid scrub shut up. You made your own build fool, that's your problem.

    Y u so noob?
  16. Considering Mith is a type of currency acquired through wars, I have to say no support. That said, mith can also be labelled as a pay to win currency, because wars require real money to be spent in order to win. That is something that I believe is wrong and needs a change.
  17. The only way i can see this working out would be to make it like rotw or hte. A pay to open eb with a seal that dont drop in normal ebs. Make the seal cost like a hundred nobs with a med payout (15-20) Of mith.
  18. No dip anarch didnt i just say that