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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Not sure if there's an exact number, but it'll end up being a lot of pages.
  2. Unicorn, the amount you lose is not the same as the amount your opponent gains.
  3. As Avatar said there's not an actual limit. This is the biggest one I've seen though
  4. How do you post a picture on forums?
  5. What end drop seals? Dose fod drop it too?
  6. HOW DID I DO THIS!?!?!?!?!?!
  7. How do I post a picture if it says, "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image"?
  8. I need a tutor. 
  9. High stat tutor...
  10. And the guy needs to be att build.
  11. @kickass

    It's random, warbeasts seems to drop best though.


    It means it's to big, you have to resize it.


    That's what world chats for bud.
  12. Do hansels really get better plunder.

    I just reset and before i did I was a tack build with 1.7m cs but now I'm a hansel build with 200k cs and i already make 6b from hte's and 2b from origins and i never did before i reset
  13. A hansel is better at a smaller size cause they make roughly the same gold on hit and its static, as well as good spy money. An atk build makes good money if he skims, but not as good as a hansel if he empties
  14. Spies do virtually nothing for att builds
  15. What is the largest size of a photo you can post in forums?
  16. 600x200 I think
  17. 600x600 dear sir