Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. how do i get money quick without hte or revenge for somebody with 300kcs thanks
  2. The Forgotten Ones(Make sure to hit items)
  3. how lonng does ee level last before you start losing it?
  4. If you don't use it you lose it
  5. 318 hours from what I have been told
  6. pretty sure neptune is right or close. might be 338 though if I remember right
  7. and it goes down by level or all at once?
  8. All at once. If u war and lose, it goes down 1lvl
  9. I think it's all at once. I haven't particularly looked through the EE guide yet haha
  10. how to do links to players via pc
  11. Go to the list of players, click on their name, copy the url, and make it a url bbcode i think thats what you do anyways
  12. I Love BB Codes
  13. How do u make a tread
  14. Very easy.

    Go to forums, select the topic section you want to post to, then click on the "new post" button. Et voilà!

    You can't post a new thread from the active topics selection, that might be what you're trying to.
  16. Was wondering about that Jab. Sweet thanks.
  17. You're most welcome. By the way(@Tigerteen), it's the exact same process for PC except you can skip the whole bitly/link shortening thing, as PC can post ampersands just fine.