Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Thanks ks zorkey :lol: i didn't think they were common lol
  2. I've never got a drop, and I've had an alt doing B2B warbeasts for a few weeks.
  3. Are there any proven methods to improve success in enchanting ?
  4. Last time I was around, enchanting when at full troops helped those who could enchant.
  5. is tier 4 build still the best build? Also is there still any old mods still playing/modding? Wulf,CG,Belle,etc.
  6. The best build depends on how you intend to play the game. Wulf, CanadianGal, and Bellemorte all hung up their mod hats.

    Here's the current list of mods.

  7. CG quit all our right?
  8. Why is Moose's and Acetown's names orange? I have missed so much since I played last :?
  9. Moose and ace are forum mods. They are special
  10. A new moderator position? That seems cool.
  11. Gives them extra privileges when moderating the forums
  12. Yep, forum mods have the ability to moderate the forums, but only the forums. They can't silence people in-game, but they can ban Forumers for 24hrs. And request perm bans.
  13. Not new anymore buddy. Read the forums for the updates.
    Forum mods can't do anything other than report offenders outside if the forums :)
  14. I remember you Avatar, you where very helpful and I see you're still helping today haha
  15. I've been around a while, but not nearly as long as some that still forum haha.
  16. so...some noob just asked me this really nooby question.

    he was all like "are allies counted when defending against scouts?"

    and i was all like "omg u r teh noobest!"




  17. And I was all like, yeah, I mean, of course, ya know?
  18. Word, be nice to meh members. 