Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Do it GoldenTroll we won't laugh...

    Yes we will.
  2. What are you...
  3. Omg Nivans so hawt
  4. Nervere until you actually show up at a meeting, shut the **** up.

    And CB I kind of knew that.
  5. Woah.

    ^ My response to Nivan's pic.
  6. Don't understand what a meeting is, but okay.

    (On pal? A thread? North Pole?)
  7. She needs to call the police.

    It seems her neck has been stolen.
  8. Nervere get on my level. (Which btw is higher than yours)
  9. Too dark where I am. Totally gonna post a selfy tomorrow. 
  10. Its a meeting of the BadBoy/NoFear BumperSticker Enthusiasts Club
  11. It's a meeting of the Noobs.

    You need to go.
  12. Shadow you were the speaker that night.
  13. Nerv, too dark? Turn on a light lol
  14. That night 10 years ago? I was still a young noob then.

    But now I stand among the ranks of the Spragga Defiers.
  15. Jester!️️
  16. Oh yea totally a guy
  17. There's your proof motley, told you.
  18. Jester is always so beautiful tho