Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]
    Eagle looks like me :eek:
  2. 99% sure Jester isn't a guy :lol:

    Unless he got a sex change and became a beautiful woman.
  3. Either way, I'm ok with it. BE WHO YOU'RE MEANT TO BE lol
  4. How do you know who you were meant to be though?
  5. Moltey marry meh :eek:
  6. I don't feel as if I need a sex change. I feel pretty good where I'm at ;-)
  8. Laid once a year=happiness
  9. Golden I get laid twice a week. GOML.
  10. Happiness is Moltey+Niv
  11. Sleeping in your mommies bed doesn't count.
  12. ^ Yes it does.
  13. Never your main of Ladd is obviously different than GoldenTrolls
  14. I'm too scared to post one :(
  15. Meaning* of laid*
  16. Do it CB we won't laugh..

    Very much.
  17. Mine: ******* my girlfriend.

    Golden: Jacking off because he can't actually get a real woman.

    Jk bro :3
  18. Its ok Grope. We are here to support you. Initially mock the crap out of you, but eventually support. Post a pic ;-)
  19. @GT

    I'm an attractive young fellow.