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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. When we first met lol

    You had this "relationship" with some vampire guy LOL
  2. This is getting hawkward
  3. Hawkward*

    Idk what hawkweed is but it sounds dope.
  4. Oh fine screw you autocorrect, tell me you changed it but don't actually change it. You're fired
  5. Ah. I remember. First month or 2 I played KaW.

    I didn't tell you. HE told you, and I never corrected. Big difference.
    Regardless, you wanna play Spot the Lie?
    You really wanna play this with me? Lol
    "Oh, Im his sister"
    "Oh, I'm right next to him"

    What you think? 3rd times the charm?
  6. I watched you grow up (your account) And so did my scouts. And then that ******* wandering ******* villager
  7. So again, I ask.
    Do you want to try again? Or would you like for me to report you for attempting to derail, along with trying to get personal information?

    OR, would you like to get back to the damn thread and act like nothing happened.
    Your. Choice.
  8. Things are getting heated. I'd call for a popcorn GiF, but don't have any 
  9. :lol: Trying to get personal info? :lol: you're the one who gave it away

    Lurk mode moths fuckers

  10. I didn't give anything away. You said I told you I was 15. I wasn't even playing kaw when I was 15.
    I have never told you my age. Nor have I given it on this thread.
    Step back.
    And don't come back.
  11. men act so stupid when a female is around smdh...

    Usually let them bicker and puff their chest's while I just actually go talk to her.

    lol 
  12. What are you talking about? o.0
  13. You two above me :roll:
  14. lol see how they're acting all crazy?
    I was just using my experience as a general reference.
    Ah, nvm. This is funny.
  15. Didn't you just try to blackmail him?