real life gear

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WOG_Dapper-Dan-Man_WOG, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Real life gear would be neat and dev make money . T-shirts.ball caps ect ability to put your name n clan tags on tootoo.Purchase w/nobs
  2. I wanna rl abyssal blade!!!
  3. I would so buy a t-shirt if they made one
  4. LMFAOOO omg for real? You would walk around wearin kaw merchandise?! LOOOL
  5. Take those hooves and stomp on anyone who annoys me. Ahhhhh the thought of that
  6. if this happend id get a rl sting point and exo armor lol
  7. I have an "A Thinking Ape" tshirt that they sent to me back around 2010. I wear it, sometimes out in public but more often just around the house. Great shirt. Yellow with a monkey on it.
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  9. Cat got ya tounge?