Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I played a horn by mistake and lost it.. It happens
  2. Yep. I was like "oh f u pots again"
  3. What are the static defense stats of a level 3 Red War Citadel?
  4. How many lvl 3 SOS are needed to raise plunder? (If lands have nothing on them?
  5. 1

    Well, in fact whatever you build (except towers) on a new additional land will raise your plunder. One exception: if you are too big for the eb you're hitting. Solution: move to a higher eb.
  6. What would be the best merc build??
  7. Probably an attack hybrid
  8. Probably an attack hybrid
  9. I was looking at a BadRobot-Haxor post and he kept saying RP what is that
  10. Rp stands for role playing or role play
  11. What's an epic battle do?
  12. What are Ice Moths for and how do I use them? :?:
  13. Read the thread by the devs about it
  14. Why does my account not receive any speakers? Others have told me they get 5 daily:(
  15. I'm going to guess that you're a PC player.
  16. Sometimes when I fail a quest the quest mastery bar goes down. Is this normal?
  17. How do I do those giant letters? xD
  18. YOU DONT :twisted:
  19. Lol to clarify I mean the letters in wc that go over two lines