If I was to build spy defense towers, would I be better off building a lot of T4 ones or just a few T6 ones? Assuming that the stats would be equivalent
I'm gonna say T6, just because they take up less room so you have more plunder generating buildings. I am not familiar with tower plunder and all that, so I'd wait till shol or UPC answer you.
I feel like the higher tier is better, but i dont know exactly which is more beneficial. Towers dont add to plunder nor take away(i think). They just raise your stat pushing you more towards the plunder curve. So equivalent stats would lose the same amount of plunder, and if thats the case then you have to think about which gives more plunder, like 5 T6 or the amount of T4 it takes to reach the equivalent.
Not trying to disrespect him or anything, but i dont think shol knows too much about those things. Although, he can be helpful.
I could also build T5's, just trying to find what would be best. Thanks for the help, I look forward to hearing more opinions
I don't know specifics like UPC does, no. But that said, in terms of fluidity I'm a fan of mixing tiers - so rather than have 6 SDT in HF I'd put some in each set of lands so I can micro-convert build much more cheaply and therefore more often as needed.
If you ee war, it's a definite. If not, I wouldn't bother with them unless you like them. Also I wouldn't build them until you have at least 50 lands, all they'll do to you at current is kill you plunder.
I can't say I'm a fan of them generally, but in EE they can be tolerable, though if you're not gonna put up more than 1mil static defense don't even bother IMO.
Ok thanks . So, if I wanted 2 mil in static spy defense(is that a good number?) which towers would you recommend I get
Personally, I think min req for solid EE is 3mil ssd (as that is what's needed to fully counter pots). I'm going for 4 myself. As for what I'd recommend, it depends on what else you want to do. If you want to maximize plunder, ask UPC, because I've no clue :lol:
My take on towers is a little unorthodox and a lot of ppl disagree with me. But basically I view the lowlands as disposable when you're at the level of looking to build 2-3 mil in defense towers. Everything is cheaper there. You can nearly achieve those stats at relatively little cost with a smaller hit on plunder (in my opinion). And if later you don't like it, you don't have big qualms in tearing down 24 towers that cost you maybe 300 bil. Whereas those sake stats on highlands or HF come at a much bigger price so you kinda commit yourself in a big way of you go that route. I love playing around with the lowlands